Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements 2025/2026

Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements 2025/2026

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Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements

Walter Sisulu University Faculty of Business Management Sciences & Law Admission Requirements 2025/2026


In terms of the Government Gazette of 26 November 2009, WSU accepts applications from prospective students who have a National Certificate (Vocational-Level 4) and who wish to register for Higher Certificate, Diploma or Degree programmes.

The minimum entry requirements for admission to WSU with a NVC Level 4 are as follows:

Qualification minimum entry requirements

Higher Certificate

  • Must meet NC (V) Level 4 statutory requirements
  • 40% in either home Language or First Additional
  • Language but one must be the Language of Teaching and Teaching (LOTL)
  • 50 % in either Mathematics or Mathematics Literacy
  • 40% in Life Orientation
  • 50% in the four other vocational subjects
  • Submit a record of evidence for any subject failed


  • Must meet NC(V) Level 4 statutory requirements
  • 50% in three fundamental subjects including LOTL
  • 60% in three compulsory vocational subjects

Bachelor’s Degree

  • Must meet NC(V) Level 4 statutory requirements
  • 60% in three fundamental subjects including LOTL
  • 70% in three compulsory vocational subjects

General admission requirements

The Higher Education Act No 101 of 1997, amended in May 2008, stipulates the following minimum entry requirements for university programmes as of January 2009: Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements 2025/2026

  • Minimum admission requirements for higher certificate, diploma and Bachelor’s Degree programmes require a National Senior Certificate (NSC).
  • Policy considerations: Page 2 of the Government Gazette
  • This policy will be applicable to all higher education institutions with effect from January 2009.
  • The policy outlines the statutory minimum admission to higher education at the National Senior Certificate (NSC) level.
  • Though NSC is the primary gateway, it does not guarantee admission to any Programme of study in higher education.
  • Within the context of this policy, WSU exercises its right as a higher education institution to set up specific admission requirements.
  • A full list of recognised national curriculum subjects is available on the website: under Student Admissions.

Minimum admission requirements

Matric & NSC Requirements

School/Programme prospectuses set out details of NSC and matric requirements for each programme.

Admission Point Score

Applicants who have obtained an NSC qualification must meet the required Admission Point Score (APS) score that is set for each programme.

NSC results are translated into points for each NSC subject. Results of interviews and other assessments may also be taken into account in determining the total APS or Admission Point Score.

Unless otherwise stated within a programme prospectus the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology has, in terms of the new NSC, allocated a rating system according to levels as follows:


LevelPercentageSymbolStatus of achievementAPS
790-100%A+Outstanding achievement  9
780-90%AOutstanding achievement  8
670-79%BMeritorious achievement  7
560-69%CSubstantial achievement  6
450-59%DModerate achievement  5
340-49%EAdequate achievement  4
230-39%FElementary achievement  1
10-29%GNot achieved – Fail  0


General rules and comments

  1. In keeping with Act 101 of 1997 for minimum requirements, revised in May 2008, meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to programmes in the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology.
  2. Due to the large number of applications for a limited number of places, there is a competitive selection process.
  3. SATAP tests are conducted for all applicants to the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology
  4. The assessment by SATAP tests/ portfolio presentation (where applicable) is equally weighted with academic results in Matric or NSC.
  5. Admission in terms of recognition of prior learning (RPL) is in accordance with Walter Sisulu University policy.
  6. Transfer from other institutions will be considered on merit.
  7. Under exceptional circumstances, the Dean may exercise his discretion.
  8. Applicants who have been excluded from other institutions on academic grounds will not be considered.

Admission from other degree and diploma programmes

Students with appropriate degrees will be considered for admission to postgraduate programmes. A limited number of students with incomplete degrees will be considered for admission to all graduate programmes. Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements 2025/2026

Progression and exclusion rules

Students should take due note of the institutional rules G7-G11 as is appears in the WSU 2014 General Prospectus on re-admission of students to undergraduate programmes.

As provided for under the WSU 2014 General Prospectus rules (with specific reference to G8.1, G8.2. G9.1 & G9.2) the respective School/Programme prospectuses set out minimum progression requirements for each programme in FSET.

A student that progresses at a slower rate than that what is required for the specific programme will be refused further re-admission on the grounds of “poor academic performance”. Please consult the respective programme prospectus for details.

Students who if registered would exceed the maximum duration of any programme will not be permitted to register for that or any other programme and will, therefore, be excluded from any programme on academic grounds.

Exit/Completion rules

Students should note that the respective School/Programme prospectuses set out the detailed requirements that must be met for each programme in order to qualify for the awarding of the certificate, diploma or degree.

The following additional requirements apply in general in addition to any programme requirements.

  1. Students must pass all modules and/or courses and satisfy all other requirements in order to qualify for the awarding of the certificate, diploma or degree.
  2. In addition to any other year level requirements, the minimum year level credits of the programme must be achieved or exceeded for each year level.
  3. In addition to any other year level requirements, the minimum credits of the entire programme must be achieved or exceeded. Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements 2025/2026


Although the information contained on the website has been compiled as accurately as possible, WSU accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. WSU reserves the right to make any necessary alterations to programme and other related information as and when the need may arise. The programme and other related information are only applicable for the 2018 academic year. A new prospectus will be published for the academic year 2018.

Offering of programmes and/or courses not guaranteed

Students should note that the offering of programmes and/or courses as described on the website and in the prospectuses are not guaranteed but may be subject to change. The offering of programmes and/or courses is dependent on viable student enrolment numbers being met (as determined by HOD) and physical and human resources being available.

Walter Sisulu University Faculty of Education Admission Requirements 2025/2026

Admission into undergraduate programmes

For all Bachelor’s Degree programmes, only applicants whose National Senior Certificate (NSC) results indicate that the learner has met the requirements for admission into Bachelor’s Degree, that is Bachelors’ endorsement, may be admitted. In the case of the old Senior Certificate, only applicants with a Matriculation Exemption endorsement will be considered for admission.

Admission Point System (APS)

The Education programme endeavours to use a point system for admissions. The achievement levels are then translated into points for each NSC subject. Points will be used to calculate the total Admission Point Score (APS).

• The minimum APS required for likely admission into Diploma programmes (ND ABET and ULME) shall be 20.

• The minimum APS required for a Bachelor’s degree is 26.

The Education Admissions Committee considered the administration of admission point score as proposed by HESA. The Committee appreciates the breakdown made in the achievement levels as this advantages a student whose performance is better than others.

On the basis of the HESA proposal the points will be awarded as in the following example: Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements 2025/2026


NSC percentage per subject points 

NSC percentage per subject
































The purpose of the above split will assist departments in admitting students according to their performance as opposed to the previous point system where a learner who scores 70% and the one who scores 79% would both attain 6 points.

It should be noted that the above scoring system excludes Life Orientation and Mathematical Literacy. Points for these two are allocated as follows:


NSC percentage per subject points 

NSC percentage per subject

















Admission requirements per programme

ProgrammeCampusMinimum requirements for matriculationMinimum requirements for NSC
University Licenciate in Music Education (ULME)Mthatha: NMDSenior Certificate with symbol E-S and Grade VTheory Certificate from any recognised Music Institution e.g UNISA, Trinity College and the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music.Students who did not study Music at High School will be subjected to interviews/auditions.NSC rating of at least 3 (40 –49%) for Music (students who have done and at Grade 12) and at least 4 (50 – 59%) for any other school subject to be taken as a major. Students who did not study Music at High School will be subjected to interviews/auditions.
National Diploma(ABET)Butterworth:IbikaMthatha:ZamukulungisaA Senior certificate with E (HG) and D (SG) in English and a pass in any other three/four school subject.NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for any of the following subjects: History, geography, Agriculture, Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences.
B Ed (FET) HumanitiesMthatha: NMDSenior certificate inHumanities with at leasttwo subjects with E(HG) and two subjectswith D (SG) and a passin any other two schoolsubjects.NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) for any four NSC Subjects, two of which should be taken asMajors for the programme.NCS rating of at least 5 (60 – 69%) for English if it is to be taken as a Major subject and NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) if not to be taken as a Major, which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU and a pass in any other school subject.
B Ed FET Natural SciencesMthatha: NMDSenior certificate with Matriculation Exemption.At least E (HG) or D (SG)in Mathematics and in any other two Science Subjects and a pass in any other two or three school subjects.NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) for Mathematics and 4 (50 – 59%) for either Life Sciences or Physical Sciences provided one of them will not be taken as a major. The one that will not be taken as a major may be 3 (40 – 49%). A requirement for all the majors is at least 4 (50- 59%). NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for English which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU and a pass in any other two or three school subjects.
B Ed (FET) EMS Butterworth:IbikaMthatha:NMD andZamukulungisaSenior certificate with Matriculation Exemption.At least two subjects with E (HG) and two subjects with D (SG) in any of the Business, Commerce and Management Science field and a pass in any other one or two school subjectsNSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) in any four NSC subjects, at least two from BCM Learning Field, or Computer Applications Technology. NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for English which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU and a pass in any other school subject.
B Ed (FET) Consumer Sciences Mthatha:ZamukulungisaSenior certificate with Matriculation Exemption.At least two subjects with E (HG) and two subjects with D (SG) from Consumer Studies, Hospitality Studies, Tourism, Home Economics and Needlework and Clothing and a pass in any other one or two school subjects.NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) in any four NSC subjects, two of which should be from the Service Learning Field (Consumer Studies, Hospitality Studies, Tourism, Home Economics and Needlework and Clothing) and are to be taken as Majors for the programme. NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for English which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU and a pass in any other school subject.
B Ed Technical Education Butterworth:IbikaMatriculation Exemption.At least two subjects with E (HG) and two subjects with D (SG) in the approved Technical subjects (Mechanical Technology, Civil Technology, Electrical Technology, EGD) and a pass in any other one or two school subjects.Senior certificate with NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) in any four NSC subjects, which should include Physical Sciences, at least 3 (40 – 49%) for Mathematics. Applicants with at least 4 (50-59%) in two or more of the approved Technical subjects (Mechanical Technology, Civil Technology, Electrical Technology and EGD) will receive first preference. NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for English which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU and a pass in any other two or three school subjects.
B Ed FET Arts and Culture Mthatha: NMDSenior certificate with Matriculation Exemption.At least two subjects with E (HG) and two subjects with D (SG) from the Arts and Culture Learning Field and a pass in any other two school subjects.NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) in any four NSC subjects, one of which should be taken as a Major with Music for the programme. If English is taken as a major, it should be at least at level 5. NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for English which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU and a pass in any other school subject.
Bachelor of Social Science Mthatha: NMDSenior certificate with at least two E (HG) in and two D (SG) in school subjects.NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) for any four NSC Subjects. In the event that English is not one of the four NSC subjects a rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for English (if not to be taken as a Major) is required, which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU. If English is taken as a major, it should at least be at level 5.



Admission of FET college students

Diploma: the minimum admission requirement is a National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 issued by Council for General and Further Education and Training. A student must have achieved at least 40% in three fundamental subjects including English and at least 50% in three compulsory vocational subjects.

Bachelor’s Degree: the minimum admission requirement is a National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 issued by Council for General and Further Education and Training. A student must have achieved at least 50% in three fundamental subjects including English and at least 60% in four compulsory vocational subjects.

Walter Sisulu University Faculty of Health Sciences Admission Requirements 2025/2026


Short listing

A selected number of candidates will be short listed for an interview, after which recommendations for the final selection for admission will be referred to the Faculty Admission Committee.
Final selection for admission

Academic results and performance at interviews will weigh equally. The recommendations of the Faculty Admission Committee will be final.
Please note

Due to the structure of the curriculum, admission can only be at MBChB 1 level. However under special circumstances, students coming from other schools that offer integrated problem-based and community based programmes may be considered at levels other than MBChB 1, to cater for multiple entry points.



The Faculty accepts visiting undergraduate medical students from other health sciences faculties who are in their semi-final or final clinical year of study only. Visiting students will take part in clinical clerkship along with WSU medical students.

Such students will still be registered by the Faculty with HPCSA and such visits still take place under WSU’s auspices.

Research Students in non–clinical departments are not allowed to work with patients and will not be registered with the HPCSA.

Visits are limited to a maximum period of six weeks in all divisions. No exceptions will be made in this regard. The full elective placement must be spent in the department to which you have been allocated.



Entry Requirements

Assumption of Earlier Learning

Basic medical sciences deal with fundamental scientific basis of the body function. It therefore requires certain basic understanding of the body functions.

Students with a good pass in chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology/ life sciences will find it easier to understand the basic medical science principles.

The following shall apply to entry in to first (1st) year of the programme :

  • Students who qualify for university admission with good passes in the above specified subjects are eligible for admission the 1st year of the programme.
  • Students without matriculation exemption can enrol in the Science Foundation year in lieu of the matriculation exemption.



Entry Requirements

Senior Certificate

Student intake is determined by a structured selection process, whereby academic and personal attributes are given equal importance. From 2009, a national Senior Certificate (NSC) will be required with an achievement rating of 4 (50% or better) in four recognized NSC 20-credit subjects: English, Mathematics, Biology and Physical Science.


National Senior Certificate (NSC)

Compulsory Subjects

4(50-59%) in English at Home language or First Additional language level
4(50-59%) in Mathematics
5(60-69%) in Physical Science
5(60-69%) in Life Sciences


Not Compulsory Subjects

4(50-59%) in isiXhosa
4(50-59%) in Life Orientation

Learners who register for this qualification at Level 7 will also need to have the following:

  • the ability to communicate in English at NQF level 4 because most of the textbooks and documentation will be in English;
  • the ability to communicate in isiXhosa as most of the patents are isiXhosa speaking. There is a course in isiXhosa offered by the University Department of African languages and a language laboratory to assist with the learning. All non-isiXhosa speaking students will be required to pass that course before proceeding to clinical contact with patients.



Admission procedure

Due to the structure of this curriculum, admission to MBChB can only be at MBChB I level. However, under special circumstances, students coming from other medical schools that offer integrated problem-based and community-based programmes, may be considered at levels other than MBChB I, on a case-by-case basis.


National Senior Certificate (NSC)

Compulsory Subjects

5(60-69%) in English at Home language or First Additional language level
5(60-69%) in Mathematics
5(60-69%) in Physical Science
5(60-69%) in Life Sciences

Not Compulsory Subjects

4(50-59%) in isiXhosa
4(50-59%) in Life Orientation

Good performance in Grade 11 end-of-year examinations and Grade 12 mid-year/trial examinations will be a recommendation.

Applicants with qualifications from countries other than the Republic of South Africa will have their qualifications evaluated by the Joint Matriculation Board (JMB).

The University Admissions Office will communicate with the JMB on this issue. Candidates with A-levels should have obtained a minimum of 3 principal passes at grades D or better. Applicants with diplomas and/or degrees will be considered on merit.


Selection Procedure

A selected number of candidates will be short-listed for an interview, after which recommendations for final selection for admission will be referred to the Faculty Admissions Committee.


Final selection for admission

Academic results and/or performance, as well as performance at interview will weigh equally.

The recommendations of the Faculty Admissions Committee for admission will be final.

The closing date for MBChB applications will be 30 September.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the University with official results. No applicants will be processed without results.

Std 9/Grade 11 : End-of-year results
Std 10/Grade 12 : June or trial examination results
Std 10/Grade 12 final results
Diploma/Degree end-of-year results


Although the information contained on the website has been compiled as accurately as possible, WSU accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. WSU reserves the right to make any necessary alterations to programme and other related information as and when the need may arise. The programme and other related information is only applicable for the 2018 academic year.

Walter Sisulu University Faculty of Science Engineering & Technology Admission Requirements 2025/2026

The Higher Education Act No 101 of 1997, amended in May 2008, stipulates the following minimum entry requirements for university programmes as of January 2009:

  • Minimum admission requirements for higher certificate, diploma and Bachelor’s Degree programmes require a National Senior Certificate (NSC)
  • Policy considerations: Page 2 of the Government Gazette
  • This Policy applicable to all higher education institutions with effect from January 2009
  • The Policy outlines the statutory minimum admission to higher education at the National Senior Certificate (NSC) level
  • Though NSC is the primary gateway, it does not guarantee admission to any programme of study in higher education
  • WSU exercises its right as a higher education institution to set up specific admission requirements
  • A full list of recognised subjects is available on the website: under Student Admissions.

Minimum Admission Requirements

Matric & NSC Requirements

Campus prospectuses set out details of NSC and matric requirements for each programme.

Admission Point Score (APS)

Applicants who have obtained an NSC qualification must meet the required (APS) that is set for each programme.

NSC results are translated into points for each NSC subject. Results of interviews and other assessments may also be taken into account in determining the total APS or Admission Point Score.

Unless otherwise stated within a campus prospectus, WSU has, in terms of the NSC according to levels as follows: APS

LevelPercentageSymbolStatus of achievementAPS
790-100%A+Outstanding achievement9
780-90%AOutstanding achievement8
670-79%BMeritorious achievement7
560-69%CSubstantial achievement6
450-59%DModerate achievement5
340-49%EAdequate achievement4
230-39%FElementary achievement1
10-29%GNot achieved – Fail0


General Rules and Comments

  1. In keeping with Act 101 of 1997 for minimum requirements, revised in May 2008, meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to programmes offered at the campuses.
  2. Due to the large number of applications for a limited number of places, there is a competitive selection process.
  3. SATAP tests are conducted for all applicants applying for admission to the Science, Engineering & Technology programmes.
  4. The assessment by SATAP tests/ portfolio presentation (where applicable) is equally weighted with academic results in Matric or NSC.
  5. Admission in terms of recognition of prior learning (RPL) is in accordance to Walter Sisulu University policy.
  6. Transfer from other institutions will be considered on merit.
  7. Under exceptional circumstances, the Dean may exercise his discretion.
  8. Applicants who have been excluded from other institutions on academic grounds will not be considered.

Admission from other Degree and Diploma Programmes

Students with appropriate degrees will be considered for admission to postgraduate programmes. A limited number of students with incomplete degrees will be considered for admission to all graduate programmes.

Progression and Exclusion Rules

Students should take due note of the institutional rules G7-G11 as is appears in the WSU 2014 General Prospectus on re-admission of students to undergraduate programmes.

As provided for under the WSU 2014 General Prospectus rules (with specific reference to G8.1, G8.2. G9.1 & G9.2), the respective campus prospectuses set out the minimum progression requirements for each programme in FSET.

A student that progresses at a slower rate than that what is required for the specific programme will be refused further re-admission on the grounds of “poor academic performance”. Please consult the respective programme prospectus for details.

Students who, if registered, would exceed the maximum duration of any programme will not be permitted to register for that or any other programme and will, therefore, be excluded from any programme on academic grounds.

Exit/Completion Rules

Students should note that the respective campus prospectuses set out the detailed requirements that must be met for each programme to qualify for the awarding of the certificate, diploma or degree.

The following additional requirements apply in general in addition to any programme requirements:

a. Students must pass all modules and/or courses and satisfy all other requirements in order to qualify for the awarding of the certificate, diploma or degree.

b. In addition to any other year level requirements, the minimum year level credits of the programme must be achieved or exceeded for each year level.

c. In addition to any other year level requirements, the minimum credits of the entire programme must be achieved or exceeded.


Although the information contained on the website has been compiled as accurately as possible, WSU accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. WSU reserves the right to make any necessary alterations to programme and other related information as and when the need may arise.

Offering of programmes and/or courses not guaranteed

Students should note that the offering of programmes and/or courses as described on the website and in the prospectuses are not guaranteed but may be subject to change. The offering of programmes and/or courses is dependent on viable student enrolment numbers being met (as determined by HOD) and physical and human resources being available.