UNISA NSFAS Online Application

UNISA NSFAS Online Application

The University of South Africa (UNISA) is registered among the schools on the list of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

The NSFAS Bursaries help UNISA Students to gain financial support to clear their tuition and other fees. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) every year open their doors for students to apply for the NSFAS Allowance and Bursaries online and UNISA students are not exempted.

For UNISA Students to apply for NSFAS Online, some steps must be followed.

NSFAS Online Application for UNISA Students

Which of UNISA Students Should Apply for NSFAS Online Application

  • Prospective students who applied for admission to the academic year for a first undergraduate qualification.
  • Returning students who took a gap year in the previous year(ie did not study in the previous year), who have an incomplete undergraduate qualification and who have not exceeded the N+ rule.
  • NSFAS approved returning and new students in the previous year who did not study during the academic year.
  • Students funded by other NSFAS bursaries who wish to switch to the NSFAS DHET grant.

If you are UNISA Student you will be refused if:

  • you received NSFAS funding in the previous year.
  • you have already completed an undergraduate degree or diploma.
  • you are not a South African citizen.
  • you need funding for a Short Learning Certificate or Programme or a postgraduate qualification.

Students with low financial backgrounds should try to apply for the NSFAS Bursaries.