UNISA Merit Bursary Application

UNISA Merit Bursary Application

How to apply for UNISA Merit Bursary. The UNISA Merit Bursary is the bursary awarded to students base on their academic excellence.

UNISA Merit Bursary Opening and Closing Dates: The application period for the Merit Bursary is from 4 January to 31 March every year.

Application Details of UNISA Merit Bursary

UNISA Merit Bursary Application Documents Required

The following documents are required for UNISA Merit Bursary Application:

  • Copy of ID
  • Proof of household income
  • Parents IDs (for dependent applicants)
  • Academic record

UNISA Merit Bursary Conditions and Criteria

The criteria for awarding of merit bursary are as follows:

  • The bursary shall be allocated to all undergraduate formal qualifications;
  • Students must have obtained at least 75% and above average in their previous year of study;
  • Financially needy and the missing middle students qualify to be considered for the bursary (capped an annual family income of R600 000);
  • Students must register for a maximum of five (5) modules per Semester and the equivalent for year courses;
  • Seventy percent (70%) of the funding will be reserved for students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds who obtained 75% and above average;
  • The bursary shall be limited to South African citizens;
  • First-year students will not qualify for academic merit;
  • Students who deregister or cancel their registration will be liable to pay back for the cancelled or deregistered modules;
  • If the examination results of a bursar are such that s/he will not make 75% average, the bursar will be excluded from the bursary in the following year;
  • By nature of the bursary, students will be required to complete undergraduate qualifications as per the University’s progression guidelines;
  • The funds will be allocated proportionally across Colleges, based on the number of qualifying students;
  • The bursary shall cater for tuition and prescribed books only.
  • The Directorate: Student Funding will select and allocate the funding based on performance;
  • Successful candidates will be notified by whatever means necessary and will be required to sign a bursary acceptance form; and
  • On completion of studies and finding employment, the bursary recipients are encouraged to voluntarily make monthly and/or annual donations to the University’s bursary programme to support the next generation of students.