UNISA Honours Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Application

UNISA Honours Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Application

UNISA Honours Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Application – Applications for admission to honours degrees and postgraduate diplomas for the 2025/2026 academic year will be open from 1 September to 15 December.

University of South Africa UNISA Online Application

University of South Africa UNISA Courses

University of South Africa UNISA Fees

University of South Africa UNISA Registration

Everyone wanting to start a new qualification must apply for admission, including first-time Unisa applicants, Unisa students changing to a new qualification and/or changing the specialisation of their current qualification, and applicants in their final year of an undergraduate qualification who wish to continue with postgraduate studies.

Please take note of the following:

  • Unisa will accept applications for admission to the 2025/2026 academic year from 1 September to 15 December (CTA programmes have an earlier closing date). Additional application dates may be announced if there are still spaces available for the 2025/2026 academic year.
  • All applications for admission must be submitted online. No self-help stations will be available for applications at the regional offices.
  • Admission to a qualification is not automatic. It will depend on whether you comply with the admission requirements and if space is available.
  • Only complete applications will be processed.

Application for admission starts here

Unisa is known as a provider of fair and equitable access to higher education opportunities. Flowing from its social responsibility to address past inequalities, Unisa has an application and selection process that effectively addresses historical imbalances without sacrificing quality standards.

This process promotes focused attention towards improved student support, and the alignment of our new student intake with the available academic capacity and required infrastructure to maximise all students’ chances of success.

What does the selection process entail?

Unisa will assess your application according to the academic admission requirements for your qualification(s) of choice and the final mark obtained for your major subjects at third-year undergraduate level.

How does the application process work?

  • You may apply for a maximum of two qualifications, ranked in order of preference (although you may only register for one should both of your applications be successful).
  • Unisa will inform you of the outcome of your application.
  • You must accept or decline Unisa’s offer within the prescribed period of time.
  • If you accept Unisa’s offer for the 2025/2026 academic year, you may only register for the qualification and specialisation for which you received an offer. You may also only register for the 2025/2026 academic year. Should you decide not to register for the 2025/2026 academic year for any reason, you will need to re-apply for admission in 2025/2026 for the 2025/2026 academic year.

Please note: The University of South Africa reserves the right to withdraw any offer for admission to the 2025/2026 academic year should it be found that you do not meet the statutory, college and/or minimum admission requirements for the qualification to which you have been admitted. In such a case, the university will refund any registration fees paid towards the said qualification.

Who must apply for admission?

Everyone wanting to start a new qualification must apply for admission. This includes

  • first-time Unisa applicants
  • Unisa students changing to a new qualification and/or changing the specialisation of a current qualification
  • applicants in their final year of an undergraduate qualification who wish to continue with postgraduate studies

Please note: You must re-apply for admission if you previously applied for admission and were offered a space, but did not register for any reason.

Step 1 Are you ready for ODeL, Unisa and postgraduate studies?

ODeL is a different way of learning… there is a physical distance between you and your university. For most of us, this means that our previous learning experiences will not have prepared us for the Unisa study journey. In open distance e-learning, YOU are responsible for planning your studies and managing your time effectively. You don’t attend daily lectures. You learn from a distance and you connect to the university mostly via the internet. If you completed your previous qualifications at a residential institution, it is especially important that you think about the adjustments you need to make to be a successful Unisa student.

But this doesn’t mean that you are on your own. Unisa has a number of support services for our students – from tutorial support and counselling, to online tools. The “distance” in open distance e-learning means that most of your interactions with Unisa will take place at a distance – mostly in digital format.

Your study material

Your study material will consist of written content, whether on paper (eg prescribed books or textbooks) or online (eg myUnisa), instead of listening to a teacher or lecturer in a classroom. In some instances, Unisa provides access to computers and the internet at our regional offices and other partner organisations, but you should have your own computer and access to the internet.

Your study world

The best way to cope with open distance e-learning is to take full responsibility for your own learning experience and environment. Your study world will be the environment you create – a room at home, a desk somewhere at work and, of course, the connections you make and the virtual networks you develop.

Your time

You will also need to remind your friends, family and work colleagues that your studies demand a lot from you, because they will probably forget that you are studying and make demands on your time.

You are ready to apply for postgraduate studies at Unisa when you

  • have considered the career opportunities you want to prepare for and which qualification will be linked to this
  • understand what will be required from you as a successful student at this level

You career

Deciding to apply for a postgraduate qualification is a step that will bring you closer to achieving your career goals.

  • Have you thought about how this qualification will contribute to your career goals?
  • How are you hoping this qualification will help you to prepare for a wide range of career opportunities?
  • Have you gathered enough information to help you make your qualification choice?
  • Have you explored other study options should your application not be successful?

Before you apply, take some time to think about where you are now in terms of your career and how your proposed qualification will contribute to your career development.

Activity 1:

Download the career reflection brochure and complete the questions to help you reflect on your career.

Which qualification should I choose?

Your choice should primarily be guided by the type of career and study opportunities for which you want to prepare, and whether or not you meet the admission requirements for your qualification(s) of choice.

What’s the difference between a postgraduate diploma and an honours degree?

Generally speaking, an honours degree includes a research module, which is not included in a postgraduate diploma. The research modules are intended for further studies at master’s degree level. Students who complete a postgraduate diploma and wish to apply for admission to a master’s degree will then need to do a bridging module.

Study motivation

Postgraduate studies demand time, energy and commitment. In addition, you need to be able to tolerate frustration and be able to apply your problem-solving skills to manage your studies. Have you thought about the possible impact of your postgraduate studies on your life? The most important aspect related to study motivation at postgraduate level is whether you think you will succeed with your studies and your ability to manage challenges.

Bridging the gap between undergraduate and postgraduate studies

Postgraduate studies require a deepening of your academic skills. Once you are registered for a postgraduate qualification, you will quickly realise that how you have been studying will have to be adapted (sometimes radically so), for example: At undergraduate level, you were able to memorise the content of your study guides and prescribed textbooks. At postgraduate level, however, you will be expected to do more independent reading and research to demonstrate a deeper understanding of your subject.

Do you feel prepared for postgraduate studies? These are some of the attributes of a successful postgraduate student. Do you recognise yourself here or do you need to develop some of these aspects?

A successful postgraduate student is able to

  • work systematically (do things step-by-step)
  • immediately act on tasks you have to do related to your studies (be responsive)
  • study independently
  • write academic texts
  • read widely about the area of study
  • integrate information from various sources
  • recognise when to seek support and negotiate support from others (from family, friends, community members, Unisa)
  • critically analyse, evaluate and integrate information from various sources
  • have continuous access to the internet and be able to work comfortably with technology
  • effectively utilise online information sources (specifically, those available through the Unisa Library)

Step 2 Choose or find your qualification

UNISA Honours Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Courses

Step 3 Apply for admission

UNISA Online Application Process 2025/2026/2025/2026

Step 4 Approval, accept offer & register

Unisa will assess your application according to the academic admission requirements for your qualification of choice and your final mark received at undergraduate level.

Applications follow a formal selection and approval process, which may take up to three months to be finalised.

Application outcomes

Unisa will inform you that your application for the 2025/2026 academic year was successful and the qualification for which you have been accepted.You must accept or decline Unisa’s offer within the prescribed period of time. To accept or decline Unisa’s offer, go to www.unisa.ac.za/acceptoffer

Please remember to register for the 2025/2026 academic year.

Unisa will inform you that your application was unsuccessful.

Please read the letter from Unisa carefully to check whether any alternative options are provided. You may also visit www.unisa.ac.za/studyoptionsHONS to explore other study options.

Incorrect / incomplete applications will be rejected.

Please note:

  • If your application for admission to a qualification or to both qualifications of choice is rejected, you may appeal the outcome of your application, either on the basis that you believe the decision was an error on the part of the university or that further supporting documents may result in a different outcome regarding your application for admission. You have 10 days from the day on which you receive the outcome of your application to submit an appeal on the prescribed form. Please note that not uploading required supporting documents during the application process is not grounds for an appeal.
  • If you were previously registered with Unisa, Unisa will send the outcome of your application to your myLife e-mail account. Please check this e-mail account regularly for information. If you have forgotten your myUnisa / myLife password, please go to myUnisa (https://my.unisa.ac.za) to update your password. If you are a first-time Unisa applicant and do not have a myLife e-mail address, Unisa will communicate with you via the e-mail address and cellphone number provided during the application period.
  • Please take note of Unisa’s rules for students.

Remember to register

If your application for admission is successful, you must register for the 2025/2026 academic year.Should you not register for the 2025/2026 academic year for any reason, you will be required to re-apply for the 2025/2026 academic year.