HR Human Resources Learnerships 2025/2026

HR Human Resources Learnerships 2025/2026

HR Human Resources Learnerships – Application Procedure for HR Human Resources Learnerships 2025/2026.

Companies that offer HR Learnerships

Quick Links:

Learnerships in South Africa 2025/2026

NSFAS Application 2025/2026

Student Loans in South Africa 2025/2026

Companies that provide learnerships in these fields:

Atlas Copco

BHP Billiton

De Beers





HR Learnerships Available

There are a couple of career options in this field. Here we have some of the more commonly found career paths for learnerships.

Career fields:

  • HR Consultant
  • Human Resource Expert
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Training and Development Manager
  • International HR Professional
  • Employee Education Consultant
  • HR Specialist
  • Executive Recruiter
  • Labour Relations Specialist

HR Human Resources Learnerships Requirements

Many companies offering a learnership in this field will have the same basic requirements. Nonetheless, some companies may have additional requirements and applicants must ensure they are aware of these and meet them all to be eligible. Below are some of these requirements you can use as a guideline to prepare your documents.

Basic documentation and requirements:

  • A valid Grade 12 certificate
  • Ba a South African citizen
  • A valid ID book or card
  • Have a diploma or degree in field applying for
  • Excellent Communication skills
  • A firm grasp of the English language
  • Computer literate
  • Good administrative skills

Candidates with references should also attach these to their application. Previous work experience may also be beneficial and a complete CV should accompany your application.

HR Human Resources Learnership Application

HR Human Resources learnerships application online can be accessed on most companies websites. If a company does not have an online application they will give instructions to download the application or other means of obtaining an application form. All applications must be completed in full and the contact detail provided must be current. Documentation that accompanies an application must only be certified copies and not the originals.

Most companies do not look at applications received late, incomplete or that is missing documentation, so, be sure everything is done before submitting.