University of Mpumalanga Bursaries Application 2025/2026

University of Mpumalanga Bursaries Application 2025/2026

The University of Mpumalanga Bursaries Application for 2025/2026. Find Out How to Apply for University of Mpumalanga Bursaries 2025/2026

Our Bursaries pages seek to provide readers (Students) and applicants with:

Universities in South Africa Bursaries 2025/2026

2025/2026 Bursaries In South Africa Closing In All Fields

Government Departments Bursaries 2025/2026

University of Mpumalanga (UMP) registered students have the opportunity to apply for various bursaries to enable them to study at the University. All categories of University student funds, which include scholarships, bursaries and loans, are administered and managed by the Student Financial Aid team, which ensures their efficient disbursement to students.

The University of Mpumalanga through the Student Financial Aid (SFA) team in the Finance division administers and manages all categories of University student funds, which include scholarships, bursaries and loans, to ensure their efficient disbursement to students.

Our role is to assist our students with the coordination of funding, between the University and the Funders. UMP also offers institutional bursaries such as the Vice-Chancellor Scholarship and the Council bursary. Our students are encouraged to apply for various funding opportunities.

SFA is responsible for the provision of financial assistance to eligible students and for providing a treasury service to student governance structures through the sub-divisions of Student Financial Aid, and Administration.

Before you proceed to know How to Apply for the University of Mpumalanga Bursaries 2025/2026 take a quick look at the topics below if you are interested:

Learnerships in South Africa 2025/2026

NSFAS Application 2025/2026

Student Loans in South Africa 2025/2026

University of Mpumalanga External Bursaries

Direct funding application

When funding becomes available funders advertise these opportunities, throughout the year, and through various platforms. Students are invited to apply through the medium indicated by the Funder. Application submissions are assessed and evaluated by funders based on their own criteria and the information provided by the student.

Application for funding does not guarantee any funding to students. Funders will communicate with successful recipients. A student must then make this funding known to SFA by submitting a promissory letter or some form of proof of funding. SFA will then do verifications before treating the student as funded for registration and allowances purposes.

Applications managed by UMP

Some Funders through a memorandum of understanding/agreement commit funds to the University, with funding criteria and the University must then nominate suitable bursars through an application and evaluation process.

This process is managed in line with the Student Financial Aid policy.

Funza Lushaka bursary

The Funza Lushaka Bursary is a multi-year programme to promote teaching as a profession. Bursaries are available to enable eligible students to complete a teaching qualification.

For a full description of the Funza Lushaka Priorities offered by DBE and to apply, please visit the website at:

Contact the University of Mpumalanga for more details about the Bursaries and also check your status.