UNISA Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme

UNISA Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme

UNISA Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme.

Unisa held its inaugural Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme launch on 31 May.

The event was attended by about 400 suppliers.

The Minister of Small Business Developmentthe Honourable Minister Lindiwe Zulu gave a keynote address on the historic occasion.

The purpose of the launch was as follows:

  • To kick-start the Unisa Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) programme that will capacitate about 250 SMMEs annually over a period of three years (2018 to 2020).
  • To sensitise the Unisa community on the strategic role of enterprise and supplier development in terms of the university’s transformation agenda.
  • To create an awareness of the challenges facing small, medium-sized and micro-enterprise (SMMEs) at Unisa.
  • To facilitate SMME access to information regarding business opportunities at Unisa, as well as the Enterprise and Supplier Development programme for empowerment.
  • To serve as an opportunity for networking and information sharing, as well as an opportunity to get a better understanding of Unisa’s procurement procedures and processes.
  • To display and market SMMEs offerings. Suppliers wishing to showcase their product offerings should book a “free” stand at the event. Limited stands are available.
  • To channel the path for the establishment of the Enterprise and Supplier Development programme at Unisa.

Suppliers who collected application forms were expected to return them no later than 30th June 2018.

Unisa has now embarked on the process of selecting potential beneficiaries of the ESD programme. Suppliers that are not selected will be loaded on a separate Supplier Database for ESD Suppliers for the Purpose of implementing other ESD initiatives normal procurement opportunities.

Those selected for the ESD training programme will be notified within two weeks and it is envisaged that the training programme will start in the first or second week of August 2018.

Contact the ESD Desk

Tel: 012 429 4934

E-mail: esd@unisa.ac.za