Stellenbosch Academy Courses Offered in 2025

Stellenbosch Academy Courses Offered in 2025

List of Stellenbosch Academy Courses Offered in 2025. In the 2025 application, the Stellenbosch Academy has outlined the various courses that students can take. These courses are well-structured and guided to help students reach their maximum academic and professional potential. The Stellenbosch Academy Courses provide not only academic knowledge but also foster personal growth and critical thinking. The choice of courses plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual’s career path and worldview. In this article, we will delve into a curated list of Stellenbosch Academy Courses that go beyond traditional boundaries, offering unique perspectives and preparing students to tackle the challenges of the modern world.

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Before you proceed to read the list of Stellenbosch Academy Courses Offered in 2025, see the Stellenbosch Academy Fees for 2025.

Lists of Stellenbosch Academy Courses Offered in 2025

1. Bachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communication

Stellenbosch Academy Honours degree focuses on enabling creatives to acquire the skills to produce an independent self-directed visual communication project.  The programme is aimed at both recent graduates and individuals seeking to pivot their careers through acquiring the necessary experience to take a creative project from problem statement and proposal to execution and exhibition.

The Honours programme is made up of modules that are essential in developing critical thinking in order to undertake post-graduate level creative work which is underpinned by research.  The modules include lectures, workshops, field trips and independent self-study with the aim of developing students’ abilities as visual communicators.  Each module is assessed via a range of deliverables that include various forms of visual communication, academic and reflective writing and in person presentations.  Contextual Studies, Visual Studies and Creative Practice are taught in relation to producing a single creative project.

2. Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication

Applied Illustration, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Multimedia & Photography.

Stellenbosch Academy unique academic programme lets our students engage with exciting new trends in various creative disciplines, popular visual cultures, and cutting-edge design technologies. They begin with a foundation year where students have the opportunity to experience all of our visual disciplines: Graphic Design, Photography, Art Direction, Illustration and Multimedia, before choosing a major visual subject to take through to their third year. This allows for a unique understanding of visual communication as well as an opportunity for our students to truly curate their learning according to their avenues of talent and interest.

Stellenbosch Academy combine this practice with subjects like Marketing, Business Leadership, Discourse and Visual Studies, ensuring our students are at the forefront of an industry that is constantly evolving.

3. Higher Certificate in Commercial Photography

What is commercial photography?

Commercial photography encompasses all the various categories of photography that are employed for commercial gain. These include photography for advertisements, publications, product placement, portraits, brochures, merchandising and more.

What you will learn:

This programme equips you with a solid foundation in photographic technique, concept and practice, covering a wide variety of genres throughout the year. Part of the programme is the creation of a specialised portfolio of work, which focuses on your genre of choice. In this course, you will learn to create work that speaks to your unique skills, passion and personality. In addition, you will acquire knowledge of the business aspects of photography, giving you greater insight into the industry.

4. Higher Certificate in Drawing

Drawing is seen as a fundamental skill for those entering the creative educational sectors or industries. The ability to see, imagine and visualise is a core skill to bring the world and new imaginative ideas to life. Being able to draw is like having the magical ability to record and transform reality in innovative ways.

The Higher Certificate in Drawing is a one-year programme that gives students a solid foundation in techniques, practice and theoretical aspects of drawing. It focuses unashamedly on traditional, mostly observational, drawing and the theory that underpins this practice. As such, design principles and elements will be explored through figure, object, constructional and digital drawing. In this process ways of looking, seeing, understanding and rendering are developed.

This programme is viewed primarily as wonderful preparation for degrees in the Visual Communication such as Design, Illustration, Animation, Multimedia, etc. However, the Higher Certificate could also allow students to gain access to entry-level employment in various sectors of the visual communication industry such as animation, storyboarding, concept art, book publishing, infographics and design studios. They could also embark on an artistic career.

Stellenbosch Academy Courses are more than just a means to an end of academic excellence, they are opportunities for personal growth. The Stellenbosch Academy Courses mentioned above transcend traditional academic boundaries, offering students a chance to engage with timeless ideas, diverse cultures, pressing global issues, and essential skills. These courses not only prepare students for their chosen careers but also shape them into well-rounded individuals ready to navigate the complexities of the world.