SASSA Tenders Invitation for 2025/2026

SASSA Tenders Invitation for 2025/2026

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Tenders 2025/2026 – Find more about SASSA Tenders Vacancy for 2025/2026 year.

The Authorities of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has open the opportunity for people seeking employment to apply for the available job Tenders. See SASSA Contact Details.

A tender is an invitation to bid for a project or accept a formal offer such as a takeover bid.

SASSA Contact Details. Contact them for more information on available Tenders.

SASSA, as a public entity, subscribes to those values that promote democracy and a culture of respect for human rights. In addition, in building social cohesion, the following values are paramount:

  • Transparency.
  • Equity
  • Integrity.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Customer Care Centred Approach.

The value proposition will require continuous refinement in order to satisfy and meet customer needs and expectations. The responsiveness of SASSA to community needs and expectations may require adjustments in respect of service delivery, information technology and administrative processes.

Click Here to Access the SASSA Tenders Invitation Page.