National Benchmark Test Registration 2025/2026
The National Benchmark Test Registration for 2025/2026. Steps for National Benchmark Test Registration 2025/2026.
We wish to inform you that registration for the second session of the NBT online test, on the 15th and 16thAugust 2020, is now open. The closing date for this session is 2nd August 2020, 23:59. Registration for the session on the 25th & 26th July 2020, is closed. Please view the FAQ sections on the website for additional information and answers to commonly asked questions.
Details of National Benchmark Test Registration 2025/2026
You NEED the following to register for NBT:
- Your official ID book (if you are not a citizen of South Africa, you will need your passport)
- City and site where you want to write
- NBT requirements from the institutions where you plan to apply
- Date when you want to write (allow 4 weeks to receive results)
- Pen and paper to record your username and EasyPay number
Take note of the following:
The NBT Project does not determine which test you must write nor the deadline for submitting results.
Most higher education institutions in South Africa post their requirements on their website and in their prospectus.
Your username (ID or Passport number) and password are used to:
- Complete the registration process if you did not finish
- Correct personal information
- Request change to test date or site
- Verify payment so that your results may be released.
Click Here for National Benchmark Test NBT Registration 2025/2026.
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