National Benchmark Test Courses 2025/2026

National Benchmark Test Courses 2025/2026

National Benchmark Test Courses – See List of National Benchmark Test Courses Offered 2025/2026.

The NBTs focus on academic readiness for university study. Each test requires you to apply prior learning – what you know and are able to do – to materials that reflect expectations for first year students in university programmes. National Benchmark Test Closing Date.

National Benchmark Test Registration

A brief summary of the skills assessed in each test follows:

List of National Benchmark Test Courses 2025/2026

Faculty or school systemSpecification
Medicine and Health Sciences.
  • The NBT results will be used for selection purposes for all programmes in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
  • To be considered for these programmes, all applicants need to write the NBTs by 1 July 2018 at the latest.
Law programmes
  • The NBT results will also be used for selection purposes for all programmes in Law. This includes the following programmes: BA (Law), BComm (Law), BAccLLB and LLB (four-year programme).
  • All applicants must write the NBTs before the end of June in order for the Faculty of Law to take the results into consideration when compiling their selection lists.
Arts and Social Sciences
  • All applicants with an average application mark ofbetween 60% and 69% (excluding Life Orientation) will be required to take the NBTs.
  • The NBT results will be used for additional information with regards to placement in extended degree programmesas well as decisions regarding transfers from the extended degree programmes to mainstream programmes.
  • All applicants with an average application mark ofbetween 55% and 59% (excluding Life Orientation) will be required to take the NBTs.
  • The NBT results will be used for making decision regarding placement.
AgriSciencesScience, Engineering and Economicand Management Sciences
  • All applicants applying for a programme in these faculties need to write the NBTs.
  • The NBT results will be used for additional information for applicants to both mainstream and extended degree applications.
  • Applicants are not required to write the NBTs for placement in the Faculty of Education
School of Tomorrow
  • All School of Tomorrow candidates need to write the NBTs. The NBT results will also be used for the selection and placement. 

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