Lilitha College of Nursing Application 2025/2026

Lilitha College of Nursing Application 2025/2026

The Lilitha College of Nursing Application 2025/2026. Welcome to the page that gives you all the needed information about the Lilitha College of Nursing online application. Lilitha College of Nursing accepts online applications.

In order to save time, we have provided you with all the needed information. Click on any of them to read more on the subject.

About Lilitha College of Nursing:

Lilitha College of Nursing was established by the Education and Training of Nurses and Midwives Act 4 of 2003. The intent of the Act was to:

  • Repeal the different pieces of apartheid legislation that established the different Nursing Colleges in the Eastern Cape Province;
  • Establish one single College with five (5) main campuses and nineteen (19) Sub-campuses distributed throughout the Eastern Cape Province and strategically positioned to meet nurse training demands of the EC health system;

Programmes offered are based on the demands and priorities of the health system and demographics of the EC Province. The college offers both basic and post basic nursing programmes including specialist programmes. It has consistently produced large volumes of nurses to be permanently allocated to the clinical services for the province. The college embraces academic excellence in learning where generations of disciplinary knowledge are entrusted into nursing practice, research regarding human experiences of health, illness and healing, utilising Community-Based and Evidence-Based practice focusing on holistic relationship centred around a caring approach which facilitates the well being of individuals.

Lilitha College of Nursing Fees

Lilitha College of Nursing Online Application

Lilitha College of Nursing Application Form

Lilitha College of Nursing Courses

Lilitha College of Nursing Requirements

Lilitha College of Nursing Prospectus

Lilitha College of Nursing Contact Details

Lilitha College of Nursing Student Portal

Lilitha College of Nursing Closing Date


The mission declares college purpose. The vision expresses college direction. The values assert our behavior. Taken together, these provide a road map to our destination.


A vibrant Nursing Education and Training institution that is relevant and responsive to the health of the country.


To provide quality education and training underpinned by strong relationship between clinical practice and academia through academic excellence, optimal governance, effective institutional and financial management.


Recognizing the worth and dignity of every human being, we fulfill our mission through the expression of core values noted in our history, defining our present, and directing our future. Our core values recognize students, staff, colleagues and the community we serve without regard to ethnic or cultural differences, spiritual belief or lifestyle choices. We pledge ourselves to the following core values and beliefs and commit ourselves continually to seek out ways to embody them in our attitudes, services and care;

  • Collaboration and Teamwork: We commit to working as a team where the contribution of each member is recognized and appreciated.
  • Dignity and Respect: We respect the unique nature and needs of every leader and staff, recognize their right to privacy, confidentiality and development choices.
  • Professionalism and Compassion: We strive to create an environment in which professionalism and caring are combined to promote humanity.
  • Excellence and Commitment: We believe that excellence is achieved through proactive, innovative and responsible management of our resources, encompassing financial, human and technological. We believe that this can be accomplished by every staff member or learner taking responsibility for their work and/or development decisions and striving to exceed expectations.

To support excellence, we promote a culture of continuous learning, and collaboration among Lilitha teams. We pledge to show maximum commitment in pursuit of organizational goals, prioritizing the nurturing of future nursing professionals.

  • Leadership: Promote the development and growth of leaders throughout the organization and continue to allow our leading programmes to export our knowledge nationally and globally.                                   


Lilitha College of Nursing, as an integral part of the Eastern Cape Department of Health, is dedicated to the pursuit of higher learning grounded in the arts, sciences and humanities.  The mission of the institution is directed towards diverse communities of the Eastern Cape Province and the college acknowledges values, fosters and benefits from the unique qualities, rich histories and wide range of cultural values in the province. The philosophy and mission of Lilitha College of Nursing are focused on collaboration, excellence, innovation, integrity and research within nursing.

Because the demands and accountability of the nursing profession are so great, nursing education must be a partnership between the student and the educator. To be successful, the theoretical knowledge and the practical experience must go hand in hand for true learning to occur. Becoming a nurse requires learning of the principles, analyzing them and application thereof.

Lilitha College of Nursing believes nursing is a professional institution with academic and practice dimensions. As a practice profession, nursing serves society through delivery of direct and indirect health care services to individuals, families and communities in local, regional, national and international contexts. Nursing is a theory-guided, evidence-based practice, focused on holistic, relationship-centered caring that facilitates health and healing. Nursing is committed to ensuring quality health care for all.

Lilitha College of Nursing believes that higher education in nursing is responsible for preparing nurses for professional and discipline-related roles through a competency based curriculum emphasizing practice that is relational, reflective, responsive to the needs of the communities, respectful and caring. Thus, the college believes in the equivalent importance of both the quality nurse educator and the process of educating a nurse to prepare both entry-level and specialists nurses with a professional qualification.

The college is committed to promoting reflective practice, and leadership for social change with inherent reciprocity among nursing practice, theory and research in all educational programs. The college further believes that preparation for various nursing roles requires education in the arts and sciences foundational to nursing and in substantive disciplinary knowledge regarding caring in the human health experience across the lifespan.

Lilitha College of Nursing believes that contemporary nursing education and practice requires a commitment to diversity, interdisciplinary partnerships in practice and research and a grounding of education in nursing  practice. Faculty practice models, expert care and community service provide opportunities to develop innovative models of health care delivery, improves access to care for underserved populations, engages in clinical inquiry and tests nursing theories.

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