How to Create Websites Without Coding

How to Create Websites Without Coding

This page is dedicated to enlighten you on How to Create Websites Without Coding. Follow the steps provided on this page to improve your techniques on How to Create Websites Without Coding.

Steps on How to Create Websites Without Coding

How to Create Websites Using WordPress

The Main Reason Why You Should Create Websites Without Coding

Websites can be designed without writing codes in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or ASP.NET. You’d agree with me that, not everyone can code in these languages. Even if you can, consider the time you’d need to write these codes. I can actually use one day to create four websites or more with four pages each. If I’m coding for the same websites, I may use two or more days for only one. Why then waste time instead of using a Content Management System.

Designing Websites with Content Management Systems

What are Content Management Systems? They are online platforms or softwares written to design websites or put contents online without having to write codes. Content Management Systems themselves are written in these programming languages making you create websites without touching codes; an advantage to the non-coder. If  a coder makes an amount on a single site he develops within two days and a non-coder makes the same amount four times per day, then imagine the benefits of Content Management Systems.

Designing Websites Without Writing Codes

Now let’s get to the real deal: this is how to create websites without coding.
First you need to practice what you learn offline and become close to perfect before you get online so you don’t ruin your reputation. I’ll advice that,
1. You first download XAMPP or MAMP for Your Windows PC or Mac respectively. These softwares when installed and running makes your PC a local server so you can design and view websites without paying for web hosting. They also let you practice and test your site before going online fully. Install XAMPP or MAMP and go to step 2. If you have problems, visit this link to diagnose XAMPP installation failure.

After XAMPP has been installed, search through your apps for XAMPP Control Panel and open it. Hit “Start” next to Apache and “Start” next to MySQL.

If both start correctly, the color changes to green. This shows your server is running successfully. If not, go back to your XAMPP Failure Diagnosis.

Install WordPress or any Content Management System of your Choice

Now it’s time to install a Content Management System that will help you create your websites without coding. I choose WordPress because it is more easier to use, most widely used, and most popular.

Visit to download or click here to download WordPress instantly. Good, you just downloaded WordPress which is only a few megabytes in size. Now, WordPress is not installed like the apps you install on your PC such as XAMPP. There’s a different approach to installing WordPress on your local server. Having WordPress Installed can help you create websites without coding.

Creating Your WordPress Website Online

To get your website online, you need two major things; a domain name and a web hosting package. A domain name is just the name of your website. Web Hosting Space is where your website files will be stored. In the case of the local WordPress install, your web hosting space will be your local PC while your domain name will belocalhost/your_folder_name.