Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees for 2025

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees for 2025

Details of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees for 2025. One of the key aspects of tertiary college application is the fee structure. College education is often seen as a gateway to personal and professional success, but the road to academic achievement comes at a cost. The Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees for 2025 is a crucial aspect of the higher education landscape, one that sparks debates on accessibility, affordability, and the value of investment in education. In this article, we will see the Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees for 2025, fee payment methods, and the components that influence Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees.

See the List of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses available in 2025.

Table of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees for 2025

This programme generally starts in March and ends in November. There will be times when there will not be Saturday classes such as in our academic recesses or on public holidays. The R 28 300 can be paid in 9 equal instalments. The first instalment needs to be paid as soon as possible after acceptance to secure your place on the programme. This first payment covers a specialised tool kit which is issued at the beginning of the year – no consumables such as fabrics, trims, printing, or art consumables are covered in the total fixed fee of R 28 300.
Fees Payable 2025 Academic Year
Instalment 1: due as soon as possible to book your spot & purchase your kitR 3 500.00
Instalment 2: due on or before 7th AprilR 3 100.00
Instalment 3 due on or before 7th MayR 3 100.00
Instalment 4: due on or before 7th JuneR 3 100.00
Instalment 5: due on or before 7th JulyR 3 100.00
Instalment 6: due on or before 7th AugustR3 100.00
Instalment 7: due on or before 7th SeptemberR 3 100.00
Instalment 8: due on or before 7th OctoberR 3 100.00
Instalment 9: due on or before 7th NovemberR 3 100.00
International Students: All fees are payable in advance, due on or before 28 February 2025
Fees Payable 2025 Academic Year
Fees PayableR 28 300.00

Click here to download the Fees for Degree in Fashion Design Course

Click here to download the Fees for Diploma in Fashion Design Course


Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design ABSA Stellenbosch

  • Branch code: 632 – 005
  • Account number: 4050342060 Account type: Cheque Account
  • Reference: Student Name & Surname and Part-Time SWIFT code: ABSA ZA JJ

No IBAN number is required for international transfers

Send proof of payment to admission@elizabethgalloway.co.za

For account queries, please contact Johan Combrinck on 021 880 0775 / johan@elizabethgalloway.co.za

Components of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fee Structure for 2025:

  • Tuition
  • Room and Board
  • Textbooks and Supplies
  • Technology and Lab Fees

College fees are a critical aspect of the higher education landscape, influencing accessibility, affordability, and the overall value of education. While challenges exist, proactive measures, such as Bursaries, scholarships, and Student Loans, can help strike a balance between the investment in education and its long-term benefits.