Ekurhuleni West TVET College Fees for 2025

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Fees for 2025

Update on Ekurhuleni West TVET College Fees for 2025. Education is a transformative journey that opens doors to opportunities and empowers individuals to shape their futures. For many aspiring students, Ekurhuleni West TVET College in South Africa is the gateway to acquiring the skills and knowledge needed for a successful career. However, understanding the financial aspect of education is just as crucial as the educational content itself. In this article, we will delve into the significance of Ekurhuleni West TVET College fees, the financial support options available, and how the institution is committed to making education accessible to all.

Start Ekurhuleni West TVET College Application for 2025 today.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) plays a pivotal role in preparing students for various industries and career paths. Ekurhuleni West TVET College is renowned for offering programs that equip graduates with practical skills and knowledge that align with industry needs. These programs are designed to bridge the gap between education and the workforce, ensuring that graduates are ready for immediate employment.

Overview of Ekurhuleni West TVET College Fees

Ekurhuleni West TVET College, like many educational institutions, requires students to cover tuition and other associated costs. These fees contribute to the college’s operational expenses, faculty salaries, facilities maintenance, and the overall quality of education provided. Here are some key aspects to consider when it comes to college fees:

  1. Tuition Fees:. This is the core component of college fees and covers the cost of instruction, coursework materials, access to facilities, and other educational resources.
  2. Registration Fees:. These fees are typically a one-time payment or an annual charge to secure a student’s place in a program or course.
  3. Additional Costs:. In addition to tuition and registration fees, students may incur additional costs such as textbooks, study materials, uniforms (if applicable), and examination fees.
  4. Accommodation Fees:. For students residing in college-hosted accommodation, separate fees may apply to cover housing and related services.
  5. Financial Aid and Scholarships:. Some students may be eligible for financial aid or scholarships that can help offset tuition costs. These opportunities are often based on financial need, academic performance, or specific criteria set by the college.

Applicants should check the Ekurhuleni West TVET College Requirements for 2025.

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Course Fees

Ekurhuleni West TVET College National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Fees


PROGRAMMEPrivately Funded Enrolments
Level 2 – 4
Level 2 – 4Deposit
Civil Engineering & Building ConstructionR76 361.00R15 272.00R2 200.00
Electrical Infrastructure ConstructionR75 329.00R15 066.00R2 200.00
Engineering & Related DesignR98 801.00R19 760.00R2 200.00
Information Technology & Computer ScienceR74 276.00R14 875.00R2 200.00
MechatronicsR100 133.00R20 027.00R2 200.00
Finance, Economics & AccountingR54 267.00R10 853.00R1 800.00
ManagementR56 801.00R11 360.00R1 800.00
MarketingR48 656.00R 9 731.00R1 800.00
Office AdministrationR48 495.00R 9 699.00R1 800.00
Transport and LogisticsR51 532.00R 10 306.00R1 800.00
TourismR70 516.00R14 103.00R2 200.00
HospitalityR92 438.00R18 488.00R2 200.00
Education and DevelopmentR52 813.00R10 563.00R1 800.00


  • Class fees for privately-funded enrolments are paid as per signed MOA with the company / sponsor.
  • Class fees as recorded above for 2023 are payable by students who are enrolling for the first time, on a specific level, for the full programme (7 subjects).
  • A deposit as stated above is payable by NC (V) students who do not qualify for the DHET bursary as well as students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for the bursary.
  • If a student has not passed the full programme (7 subjects) individual subject prices per learning area will be applicable.
  • Class fees as stated above for NC(V) students, are inclusive of tuition fee, text books, learning material, protective clothing for Level 2, registration fee and student cards.

Payment arrangements for full-time NC(V) subjects for students who do not qualify for a bursary:

  • Enrolment for one or two subjects: Full payment.
  • Enrolment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to the full time qualification;
  • Balance payable in four instalments.

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Class Fees For Individual Subjects

Applied Accounting L2-L4R2 023.00
Advertising & Promotion L2-L4R1 702.00
Applied Engineering Tech L4R4 209.00
Automotive Repair & Maintenance L2 -L4R4 209.00
Art & Science of Teaching L2-L4R1 910.00
Business Practice L2-L4R1 694.00
Computer Hard & Software L3R3 393.00
Computer Integrated Manufacuring L4R4 276.00
Consumer Behaviour L2-L4R1 702.00
Construction Planning L2-L4R3 087.00
Principlesof Computer Programming L3R3 393.00
Computer Programming L4R3 393.00
Carpentry & Roof Work L2-L4R3 087.00
Client Services L2-L4R2 796.00
Data Comm & Networking L4R3 393.00
Electronics Control L2-L4R3 456.00
Early Childhood Development L2-L4R1 910.00
Economic Environment L2-L4R2 023.00
Engineering Fabrication L2-L4R4 209.00
Engineering Fundamentals L2R4 209.00
Engineering Graphics & Design L3R4 209.00
Electronics L2R3 393.00
Electrotechnology L2-L4R4 276.00
English L2-L4R  975.00
Entrpreneurship L2R1 772.00
Electrical Principles & Practices L2-L4R3 456.00
Engineering Practice L3R4 209.00
Engineering Processes L4R4 209.00
Electrical Systems L2-L4R1 772.00
Engineering Systems L2R4 209.00
Engineering Technology L2R4 209.00
Electrical Workmanship L3-L4R3 456.00
Fitting & Turning L2-L4R4 209.00
Financial Management L2-L4R2 111.00
Food Preparation L2-L4R4 256.00
Freight Logistics L2-L4R1 870.00
Hospitality Generics L2-L4R4 526.00
Human & Social Development L2-L4R1 910.00
Hopitality Services L2-L4R4 256.00
Intro to Computers L2R4 276.00
Intro Information System L2R3 393.00
Intro Systems Development L2R3 393.00
Life Skills & Computer L2-L4R  975.00
Learnig Psychology L2-L4R1 910.00
Management Practice L2-L4R2 276.00
Marketing L2-L4R1 702.00
Masonry L2-L4R3 087.00
Mathematics L2-L4R  975.00
Materials L2-L4R3 087.00
Marketing Communications L2-L4R1 702.00
Mechatronic Systems L2-L4R4 276.00
Mathematical Literacy L2-L4R  975.00
Manual Manufacturing L2R4 276.00
Machine Manufacturing L3R4 276.00
Material Technology L3R4 209.00
New Venture Creation L2-L4R1 694.00
Office Data Processing L2-L4R1 694.00
Operations Management L2-L4R2 276.00
Office Practice L2-L4R1 694.00
Personal Assistance L4R1 694.00
Plant Equipment L2-L3R3 087.00
Professional Engineering Practice L4R4 209.00
Physical Science L2-L4R1 772.00
Project Management L3-L4R1 772.00
Science of Tourism L2-L4R2 794.00
Stored Program Systems L3-L4R4 276.00
Construction Supervision L4R3 087.00
Sustainable Tourism L2-L4R2 794.00
Systems Aanalysis L3-L4R3 393.00
Tourism Operations L2-L4R2 794.00
Transport Economics L2-L4R1 870.00
 Transport Operations L2-L4R1 870.00
Wholesale & Retail L2-L4R1 702.00
Workshop Practice L2R3 456.00

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Engineering Study Courses N2-N6 Fees

LEVELPrice per Subject
Privately Funded Enrolments
(100% Programme Cost)
Price per SubjectReg. FeeStudent CardUMALUSI Fee
N1 – N2R2 488.00R548.00R245.00R100.00
N3R2 488.00R548.00R245.00R100.00R45.00
N4 – N6R2 903.00R638.00R245.00R100.00
N1 – N2R1 120.00R245.00R100.00
N3R1 120.00R245.00R100.00R45.00
N4 – N6R1 320.00R245.00R100.00

Provided that sufficient funds are available for DHET bursaries, students who qualify for a DHET bursary and who submit a completed application form will not be requested to pay class fees. Students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for one will have to pay class fees as outlined below.

Payment arrangement for full-time classes in Engineering Studies for students who do not qualify for a DHET bursary:

  • Enrollment for one or two subjects: Full payment
  • Enrollment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to payment due for two subjects;
  • Balance payable in two installments.

Payment arrangement for part-time classes: 

  • Full payment with enrollment. This applies to all part-time classes: afternoon, evening or any day of the week.

Exams only: 

  • Examination fee for exams only will be R210.00 per subject.
  • Only students who have been enrolled with EWC previously should be allowed to enrol for exams only.

A Registration fee of R245.00 will be charged when Report 191 students are enrolling for exams only. Exam only includes re-writes, and approved correspondence providers.

Student Card Fees: Where applicable, these will be R100.00 per card.

Payment arrangements for privately-funded enrolments: To be informed by the specific signed MOA with the sponsor / funder

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Business Study Courses Intro N4-N6 Fees

LEVELPrice per Subject
Privately Funded Enrolments
(100% Programme Cost)
Price per SubjectReg. FeeStudent Card
Intro N4-N6
TheoryR3 686.00R811.00R245.00R100.00
PracticalR3 686.00R81100R245.00R100.00
Intro N4-N6
TheoryR1 176.00R245.00R100.00
PracticalR2 422.00R245.00R100.00

Provided that sufficient funds are available for DHET bursaries, students who qualify for a DHET bursary and who submit a completed application form will not be requested to pay class fees. Students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for one will have to pay class fees as outlined below.

Payment arrangement for full-time classes in Business Studies:

  • Enrollment for one or two subjects: Full payment
  • Enrollment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to payment due for two subjects;
  • Balance payable in three installments.

Payment arrangement for part-time classes: 

  • Full payment with enrollment. This applies to all part-time classes: afternoon, evening or any day of the week.

Exams only: 

  • Examination fee for exams only will be R210.00 per subject.
  • Only students who have been enrolled with EWC previously should be allowed to enrol for exams only.

A Registration fee of R245.00 per qualification will be charged irrespective of whether the student is enrolling for full-time or part-time or exam only. Exam only includes re-writes, supplementary examinations and approved correspondence providers.

Student Card Fees: Where applicable, these will be R100.00 per card.

Payment arrangements for privately-funded enrolments: To be informed by the specific signed MOA with the sponsor / funder.

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Hospitality & Catering Services N4-N6 Fees

LEVELPrice per SubjectReg. FeeStudent CardUMALUSI Fee
N4 – N6
Fundamental SubjectsR  811.00R245.00R100.00
Theory & PracticalsR2 169.00R245.00R100.00R45.00
Hospitality N4 – N6
TheoryR1 176.00R245.00R100.00
PracticalR3 145.00R245.00R100.00
Hospitality N4 – N6
Privately Funded
TheoryR8 318.00R245.00R100.00
PracticalR8 318.00R245.00R100.00

Provided that sufficient funds are available for DHET bursaries, students who qualify for a DHET bursary and who submit a completed application form will not be requested to pay class fees. Students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for one will have to pay class fees as outlined below.

Payment arrangement for full-time classes in Business Studies for students who do not qualify for a DHET bursary:

  • Enrollment for one or two subjects: Full payment
  • Enrollment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to payment due for two subjects;
  • Balance payable in three installments.

Payment arrangement for part-time classes: 

  • Full payment with enrollment. This applies to all part-time classes: afternoon, evening or any day of the week.

Exams only: 

  • Examination fee for exams only will be R210.00 per subject.
  • Only students who have been enrolled with EWC previously should be allowed to enrol for exams only.

A Registration fee of R245.00 will be charged when Report 191 students are enrolling for exams only. Exam only includes re-writes, and approved correspondence providers.

Payment arrangements for privately-funded enrolments: To be informed by the specific signed MOA with the sponsor / funder.

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Utility Studies Courses Fees

COURSECourse FeeDeposit
QCTO / Year 1R24 078.00R3 777.00
QCTO / Year 2R24 078.00R3 777.00
Services SETA Year 3 (FET Cert in Hairdressing, Level 4)R1 424.00Full amount.
Terms of payment:

Deposit payable as indicated above.

Installments: January – October.

All fees must be paid up by 31 October2023.

Notes: Students may only be enrolled for each year if all fees for the previous year have been paid in full. No assessments / re-assessments will be scheduled  for students who owe the
college tuition or other fees from the previous years of study. Students need to submit proof of payment to the Senior Lecturer three days prior to the scheduled re-assessment.

Students need to have achieved all outcomes for Levels 2-3 to be admitted to the Final Integrated Summative Assessment.

Students need to submit completed PoE files with all required evidence to be admitted to the Final Integtrated Summative Assessment.

COURSECourse FeeDeposit
Beauty Therapy
ITEC Diploma in Beauty Therapy (Duration 12 Months)R37 329.00R6 000.00

Terms of Payment:

Deposit payable as indicated above.

Installments: January – October.

All fees must be paid up by 31 October 2023.

Notes: Repeating students will not be allowed to enrol for the Diploma course in Beauty Therapy if the class fee for the Certificate course was not paid in full.

This course in on Diploma Level 2 and 3 International Standards.

Students who only sit for exams must be debited with ITEC Reg Fee + Itec Exam Fee + EWC Registration Fee.


COURSEPriceDepositRegistration FeeStudent Card
ModulesR6 795.00R4 557.00R245.00R100.00
As this is an external examination, no students are allowed to sit for the examination if their class fees have not been paid for the module.

Re-assessment for each module R249.00

A Registration Fee of R245.00 and a R100.00 Student Card fee are payable together with the deposit on registration.

IT Programmes

COURSEClass FeeTotalRegistration FeeStudent Card
eLearnerR1  721.00R2 888.00R45.00R100.00
A+R2599.00R5 682.00R45.00R100.00
N+R2 179.00R5 271.00R245.00R100.00
Deposit payable for full-time students only.

Part-time students need to pay in full on registration.

The Importance of Transparent EWC Fee Structures

Ekurhuleni West TVET College recognizes the importance of transparent fee structures that provide prospective and current students with a clear understanding of the financial commitments associated with their education. Transparent fee structures offer several benefits:

  1. Informed Decision-Making:. Transparent fee structures empower students to make informed decisions about their education. They can assess the total cost of their chosen program and plan accordingly.
  2. Financial Planning:. Students and their families can engage in effective financial planning, ensuring that they have the resources necessary to cover their educational expenses.
  3. Access to Support:. When fees are clearly outlined, students can easily identify and access available financial aid options and scholarships for which they may qualify.
  4. Reduced Uncertainty:. Transparent fee structures reduce uncertainty and anxiety related to financial matters, allowing students to focus on their studies and personal growth.

Ekurhuleni West TVET College EWC Financial Support Options for 2025

Ekurhuleni West TVET College is committed to providing financial support options to help students pursue their education without undue financial strain. Some of the avenues through which the college assists students in managing their educational costs include:

  1. Financial Aid:. The college offers financial aid programs that provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate financial need. These programs can include grants, loans, and bursaries.
  2. Scholarships:. Scholarships are awarded to students based on various criteria, including academic excellence, community involvement, or specific talents or interests. These scholarships can significantly reduce or even eliminate tuition costs.
  3. Payment Plans:. Ekurhuleni West TVET College often offers flexible payment plans that allow students to spread their tuition payments over the course of the semester or academic year, making it more manageable for many families.
  4. Work-Study Programs:. Some students may be eligible for work-study programs, which enable them to work part-time on campus and earn income to offset their educational expenses.
  5. External Funding Sources:. Students are encouraged to explore external funding sources, such as government grants and private organizations, that may provide financial assistance for education.
  6. Bursaries:. Bursaries are typically awarded based on financial need and are often provided by external organizations or government agencies. They can help cover tuition and related expenses.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), was established in terms of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Act 56 of 1999).

Merit bursaries are awarded to students who have excelled in their field of study in the previous year / semester / trimester at EWC.

Indigent bursaries are awarded to enrolled students of EWC who are in financial need.

  • A nominated staff member and the Student Support Officer evaluate all the applications of students requesting financial support to further their studies.
  • All names of qualifying students are put to Campus Management for final approval via the Student Support Officer.
  • Requirements for application for indigent bursaries are available from the Student Support Officer per Campus.

DHET FET bursaries will be available for students who enrolled for NC (V) Levels 2, 3 and 4 in 2013 and Report 191 Courses in 2014. The following students are eligible to apply:

  • Only South African citizens.
  • Students wishing to enrol for Report 191 Nated Courses and NC(V) programmes.
  • Students who need financial assistance.
  • Students who excel academically.
  • NC(V) Levels 2/3 students who were awarded bursaries in 2014 and will be promoted to Levels 3/4 in 2015.
  • Students who were awarded bursaries for NC(V) Levels 2/3 in 2014 but will not be promoted to Levels 3/4 in 2015, will not be eligible for bursaries in 2015.

To be considered for a bursary award, the following documents must accompany the bursary application form that the College will provide:

  • Three certified copies of the student’s ID.
  • Two certified copies of the parent’s / guardian’s certified ID.
  • The latest original or certified copies of the parent’s / guardian’s pay slips.
  • Sworn affidavits from parents / guardians in the event that they are unemployed.
  • Proof of death in the event that parents / guardians are deceased.
  • Proof of residential address.

DHET Bursaies Are Not Guaranteed

There are procedures in place for the administration and awarding of these bursaries. A Financial Aid Committee has been appointed to review and make recommendations on applications received.

For more information on how to apply, go to www.nsfas.org.za

The Commitment to EWC Fees Payment Accessibility

Ekurhuleni West TVET College is committed to making education accessible to all individuals, regardless of their financial circumstances. This commitment aligns with the broader goal of improving the educational landscape in South Africa and empowering individuals to achieve their potential. The college’s dedication to accessibility includes:

  1. Outreach Programs:. Ekurhuleni West TVET College actively reaches out to underserved communities and provides information about educational opportunities, financial aid, and scholarships.
  2. Flexible Learning Options:. The college offers flexible learning options, including part-time and online courses, to accommodate students with various commitments and schedules.
  3. Inclusive Policies:. Ekurhuleni West TVET College has inclusive admission policies that consider various factors, not just academic qualifications, when admitting students. This promotes diversity and equal access to education.
  4. Support Services:. The college provides a range of support services, including academic counselling, career guidance, and mental health support, to ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed.

For more information, click on the Ekurhuleni West TVET College Contact Details.

Ekurhuleni West TVET College fees are a necessary part of the educational journey, but they are not an insurmountable barrier. Through transparent fee structures, financial support options, and a commitment to accessibility, Ekurhuleni West TVET College ensures that education remains within reach for all individuals. As a beacon of hope for students seeking to acquire practical skills and knowledge, the college recognizes that education is an investment in a brighter future, not just for the individual but also for the community and the nation as a whole.