Does UNISA Have ECD Courses

Does UNISA Have ECD Courses

Does UNISA Have ECD Courses? Answer to the question “Does UNISA Have ECD Courses?”

Yes. UNISA Have ECD Courses.

UNISA Early Childhood Development (ECD) Courses

Art and Handwork – ATH1501
Higher CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English

Purpose: The purpose of the module is to gain insight into creative art orientation; stages of development; aims and objectives; the role of the art teacher; art activities and materials. Furthermore, the module aims to develop students’ knowledge and skills related to implementing art and handwork activities in a pre-school.

Grade R Learning Programme Design (offered from 2025) – GRL2601
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English

Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip qualifying students with the knowledge and skills to plan and implement age, developmentally and culturally appropriate activities for Grade R. Furthermore qualifying students will apply their knowledge of learning and teaching theories to accommodate individual learners’ needs and promote holistic development according to the requirements of the official curriculum applicable to their context. Qualifying students will gather information from different sources (online, print) to support learning. Student engagement throughout this module will be guided by reflective practice.

Sociology of Education in the early years (offered from 2025) – SOE2601
Under Graduate Degree,DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English

Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip graduate students with knowledge, skills and values to understand the sociological dimension of childhood education with special reference to birth to nine years. A framework of reflective practice will be used to assist students to engage with varied childhood experiences in diverse contexts in the early years. They will be given opportunities to identify, understand and interpret childhood in the early years as a complex arena that needs to be critically engaged with for practice in the Foundation Phase. Specifically, qualifying students will be equipped to draw on theories and sociological dimensions impacting on practice in the early years.

Psychology of Education and Socio-Pedagogics – PGC4019
Under Graduate Degree,CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English

Purpose: To equip students with knowledge, skills and values to understand, communicate and implement the principles of child development and theories of child development and social development and behaviour with emphasis on their applicability in a diverse and developing world. It will also enable students to understand formative development and the impact of abuse at individual, family, and communal levels. To develop the possibilities for life-skills, and critical, ethical and committed political attitude, and lifestyle in learners as well as being able to respond to current social and educational problems with particular emphasis on the issues of violence, drug abuse, poverty and child and women abuse.

Children’s Literature for the early years (offered from 2025) – CLY1501
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip qualifying students with tools on how to inculcate the love for reading in Grade R children. They will acquire knowledge and skills for identifying good books for young children and classifying them according to the different genres.. The module will provide students with skills to use different literature genres to lay the foundation for reading and writing in the early years in a manner appropriate for children of different abilities. In addition the student teacher will be able to adopt the correct delivery mode for Grade R children by using age appropriate approaches and cutting edge technologies.
Grade R Mathematics Teaching (offered from 2025) – GRM2601
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module builds on the module Emergent Mathematics as well as qualifying students own mathematics knowledge. They will be able to apply this knowledge in selecting, sequencing and pacing the Grade R Mathematics content in accordance with both subject and learner needs. Newly qualifying students must be knowledgeable about Mathematics teaching and be able to demonstrate specialised knowledge gained, as well as being able to use available resources appropriately, so as to plan and design suitable Grade R Mathematics learning programmes.schools to enhance effective teaching and learning.
Teaching practice for Foundation Phase I – TPF2601
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module proceeds from the understanding that education is context-specific and context-dependent. The module seeks to support qualifying graduates in their initial teaching experiences – “the micro-contexts of everyday life in classrooms” (Cohen, Manion, Morrison and Wyse, 2010: 1). The focus of this module is guided observation, helping qualifying graduates to observe practice and make connections between what they have learned, what they have observed and what they have experienced. They may become involved in assisting the teacher under instruction. The placement will require 5 weeks in a school.
Philosophy and History of Education – PGC402A
CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: Section A: History of early childhood education: (a) Trends and tendencies in historical education, with special reference to family and early childhood education from the basic cultures to the twentieth century; (b) The preschool education movement; (c) Historical theories of play; Section B: Philosophy of education; (a) Pluralistic problem-centred approach to education; (b) Metatheoretical perspectives that influence educational discourse (for example Logical Empiricism, Critical Rationalism, Critical Theory, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, System Theory); (c) The influence of metatheoretical perspectives on thematic issues of concern in education.
Emergent Mathematics – EMA1501
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The module Emergent Mathematics forms part of the BEd: Foundation Phase. Mathematics is a subject that needs to receive a great deal of attention in the Foundation Phase as it is here that a strong foundation can be laid. Through play young learners engage with concepts and learn the foundations of mathematics. The purpose of this module is to empower teachers with knowledge skills and attitudes to teach Mathematics through play to learners in Grade R in the Foundation Phase. The focus is on the teaching of numbers, operations, functions, patterns, measurement, geometry and data handling. In so doing they will lay the foundation on which learners can build their numerical and mathematical competence. Teacher roles that are addressed in this module are: – learning mediator; – community, citizenship and pastoral leader; – leader; – assessor; – interpreter and designer of learning programmes and materials; – scholar, researcher and lifelong learner; – learning area/subject specialist
Gr R Life Skills: Social and personal development (offered from 2025) – GSP2601
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: Qualifying students will be able to follow a holistic approach to the social and personal development of learners in Grade R. The module will equip qualifying students with tools on how to promote social skills amongst Grade R learners which can contribute to their readiness for school and the expanded social world as they grow older. This module will also empower qualifying students with knowledge and strategies to promote personal care skills such as nutrition and safety as well hygienic habits that foster lifelong health. Qualifying students will also be able to mediate disciplinary knowledge by applying appropriate teaching strategies and methodologies that will promote independence, curiosity, decision making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem solving which will prepare Grade R learners for later schooling and other challenges which they may encounter.
Teaching Practice for Foundation Phase II – TPF2602
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: TPF2601
Purpose: This module builds on the module Teaching Practice I and provides a foundation for the module Teaching Practice III. It provides guidelines for a 5-week placement in a school focusing on team teaching. Qualifying graduates will co-plan a series of lessons with their school-based mentor, team teach the lessons and reflect critically on their plan and practice in consultation with both their school-based mentor and their supervisor. The placement will require 5 weeks in a school.
Health, Safety and Nutrition – PGC404C
CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: To gain insight into the importance of health, safety and nutrition in the ECD phase. This includes optimising the health of persons in these settings (adults and children), maintaining a healthy and safe environment, good nutritional practices as well as special topics such as health education, child abuse, chronic illness and HIV/AIDS.
Emergent Literacy – EML1501
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module is intended to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of how to teach Emergent Literacy to a Foundation Phase class. This module is going to deepen student knowledge in emergent literacy and the forms in which it manifests itself. Qualifying students will be able to understand the importance of emergent literacy. The student will be able to promote emergent literacy so that they are able to develop the language skills of learners by engaging with theories of language development .and using them to understand different contexts in which teaching and learning is constructed and implemented. They should be able to gather information from different sources and evaluate them as to their suitability to learners and the context of learning. The module will enable student teachers to take ownership of the process of learning of the learners by using self-reflective methodologies that will allow for differentiated teaching.
Gr R Life Skills: Science and Technology (offered from 2025) – GST2601
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: Qualifying graduates will be able to teach relevant concepts and process skills related to science and technology within the Foundation Phase curriculum. They will also be able to engage Foundation Phase learners to experiment, discover and explore their world, using basic scientific processes such as observing, classifying, experimenting, predicting, drawing conclusions, and communicating their ideas to others. Furthermore, qualifying graduates will develop self-reflective practises to be able to mediate the Science and Technology curriculum through the application of appropriate teaching strategies and methodologies to suit different contexts. Resources for mediation will be obtained from different sources (online and print) and adapted to diverse contexts.
Teaching practice II (offered from 2025) – TPG2602
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: TPG1501
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to extend qualifying students’ learning from teaching practice 1 (WIL). Qualifying students will integrate theoretical principles, disciplinary and pedagogical learning in their daily classroom practice though reflective practice. This includes planning, teaching and assessing learning in a Grade R environment. In addition, qualifying students will promote their learners’ holistic development through a range of fun age, developmentally and culturally appropriate activities. They will be expected to gather information from different sources (online, print) to support learning. Qualifying students will work cooperatively with the school management team, mentor teacher, learners’ parents and/or peers where possible. Moreover, qualifying students will be exposed to the broader school context and participate in extra-curricular activities if required.
Management and Assessment – PGC405D
CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: Section A: Management: To gain insight into the South African educational structure; overview of legislation applicable to Early Childhood Development and Foundation Phase management; policy and provision issues in Early Childhood Development, school governance; institutional management and other critical issues in Early Childhood Development and Foundation Phase management; Section B: Assessment: To equip students with the underlying knowledge, skills and values to understand, communicate and implement the principles and theories of assessing the young learner with emphasis on their applicability in a diverse and developing early childhood education context.
English teaching for communication – ENC1501
Under Graduate Degree,DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The scope and depth of learning in this module will include basic understanding of spoken and written English by learning the language skills and grammar so as to improve the student’s language proficiency. Student teachers will be expected to analyse written texts from newspapers and books and answer higher order questions based on the texts. The students must demonstrate a deeper understanding of the language structure and the ability to evaluate the level of the difficulty of the texts. Ability to write short texts suitable for the target group will show a deeper understanding of texts to prescribe and use in the classroom.
Inclusive education For Grade R (offered from 2025) – IEG2601
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module is complemented by the module, Inclusive Education Approaches. The qualifying students will be able to demonstrate a reflective understanding of the importance of Inclusive Education in Grade R. Qualifying students will also understand the principles, the importance of early identification, assessment and providing support programmes for learners in Grade R using online and print resources. This will enhance the teaching of perceptual development skills which are the key to unlock reading and writing. Qualifying students will also be able to demonstrate knowledge on how to design lessons and adapt Grade R curriculum in order to accommodate learners experiencing barriers to learning. This module will provide qualifying students with knowledge on how to use different assistive devices to address different barriers in diverse and multicultural context. The module will further address causes of barriers from a holistic context in order to provide qualifying students with knowledge and understanding on how to address them in a Grade R context.
Teaching Practice III (offered from 2025) – TPG2603
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: TPG2602
Purpose: The module provides guidelines for the 3rd teaching practice which is seen as the culmination of the programme in which theory, practice and experience culminate in qualified Grade R teacher status as a probationary teacher. It requires placement in a school being able to teach independently in Grade R. Qualifying students will be able to mediate teaching and learning amongst Grade R learners applying appropriate teaching methodologies, teaching strategies and teaching philosophies. Qualifying students will also be able to identify, select and integrate appropriate technologies to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the grade R classroom. This module also serves to strengthen qualifying students’ skills in classroom management, lesson preparation, teaching administration, coping inclusive teaching, as well as learner discipline. This module also engages the qualifying student on becoming a critical and reflective Grade R teacher.
Teaching Practice 4 (Professional Studies 403 Practical Teaching 4) (Grades 1 – 3) – PRS403E
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PRS2015, PRS2026, PRS2038, PRS2049, BPT1501(HEC101V), PRS302A, PRS304C, PRS401C, PRS402D & EDT305S
Purpose: To enable students to carry out practical applications of the teaching principles, theories and concepts they have acquired in other courses through the completion of various workbooks during a period of four weeks in the foundation phase. The student must take control of the class (under supervision) and plan, present and evaluate all teaching activities during this period. All activities presented during the teaching practice periods must comply with the principles of anti-bias, multi-cultural and inclusive education.
Partnerships with Families and Communities – FCP1501
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to deepen knowledge and understanding of effective partnerships with families and communities. Qualifying students will be able to develop values and practical skills through engagement with the principles, dimensions, strategies and competencies needed for effective partnerships in diverse Grade R contexts. Reflective practice will be used as a platform for student engagement with the complexities involved in developing effective partnerships. Qualifying students will witness their own thinking and those of others through a variety of tools including online resources.
Life Skills: Social and Personal Development in Foundation Phase – LSK2601
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: Qualifying graduates will be able to teach relevant concepts and process skills related to science and technology within the Foundation Phase curriculum. They will also be able to engage Foundation Phase learners to experiment, discover and explore their world, using basic scientific processes such as observing, classifying, experimenting, predicting, drawing conclusions, and communicating their ideas to others. Furthermore, qualifying graduates will develop self-reflective practises to be able to mediate the Science and Technology curriculum through the application of appropriate teaching strategies and methodologies to suit different contexts. Resources for mediation will be obtained from different sources (online and print) and adapted to diverse contexts.
Child development (birth to 9) – CDE3701
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip students with the knowledge, skills and values related to the development of the young child through the framings of a reflective teacher. Students will explore each domain of child development in the early childhood phase from birth to 9 years. As student engage with the domains of development they will be afforded opportunities for understanding child development in diverse context with sensitivity to varying capabilities of children. In this way students will enhance their understanding of the variations and complexities of child development. The age and stage contextual approach will assist in developing appropriate activities for supporting early learning.
Gr R Life skills: Movement and Creative Activities – GRL1501
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The module intends to develop the qualifying students’ knowledge regarding the understanding of the nature, importance and role of physical activities, music and creative activities in the life of the child. The relationship between the neurological development of the child and movement as well as the impact thereof on the child’s learning readiness is emphasised in order to address motor development requirements by determining gross motor efficiency and perceptual motor ability, designing appropriate movement activities and lessons, making suitable equipment, presenting and evaluating the child’s gross motor skills in early childhood development. This module further provides a fundamental understanding into musical development through experiences in singing, playing instruments, doing rhythmic movement and listening activities with children in this developmental phase. The module also addresses knowledge of the two parallel and complementary streams of creative arts. It explores and develops creative ideas based on personal experiences using the sensory system as observational tool
Management in Foundation Phase – MFP2601
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module is intended for students registered for Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase). Qualifying graduates will be able to understand the complexities of management, understand different levels of management pertaining to Foundation Phase. This module will explore various organizational aspects that require thorough general principles underpinning school, classroom and curriculum management, implementation and review of good management and governance principles in general, based on South African context. The module will help qualifying graduates to understand and to contribute to effective school, classroom and curriculum management. The module will bridge the gap between school, classroom and curriculum management and practice by emphasizing the importance of socio-political context. This module also focuses on the practicalities of developing a broad and critical understanding of management and leadership concepts, theories and practices. The module will help the qualifying graduates to understand the legal framework that governs the day-to-day tasks facing school governing bodies, managers and directors in Foundation Phase in South Africa.
First Additional Language Teaching in the Foundation Phase – FLT3701
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module is intended to equip qualifying graduates with the knowledge, skills and techniques of how to teach First Additional Language to a Foundation Phase class. Qualifying graduates should be able to promote listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by using appropriate methodologies, designing activities and choosing resources to suit the purpose. Qualifying graduates should be conscious of the fact that English First Additional Language in African LoLT contexts will be used as LoLT in Grade 4 and onwards. The teaching of reading will be highlighted and emphasized so that learners are ready to learn in English. Differentiated teaching and learning should underpin how language is facilitated in the classroom. Qualifying graduates will be expected to complete assignments and projects by reflecting on the content of the module and its suitability towards diverse learner population during their teaching practice. This is done in order to give them an opportunity to practice the teaching of language skills in the classroom and address the needs of the learners.
Introduction to Grade R Teaching – GRT1501
Higher CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The module provides an overview of the purpose and nature of teaching in the reception year. On completion of the module, successful candidates will have a broad understanding of the nature of early childhood development and the implications for teaching a Grade R classroom. The module provides useful foundational knowledge for all prospective teachers while also helping candidates to decide whether the reception year is an area in which they would like to specialise by registering for the Grade R diploma.
Teaching Practice 2 (Professional Studies 204) (Birth – Grade R) – PRS2049
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PRS2015, PRS2026 & PRS2038
Purpose: To enable students to carry out practical applications of the teaching principles, theories and concepts they have acquired in other courses through the completion of various assignments during a period of two weeks in an early childhood centre, as well as during a period of three weeks in a reception year class.
Foundation Phase Mathematics – FMT3701
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module builds on the module Emergent Mathematics as well as graduates own Foundation Phase mathematics knowledge. They will be able to apply this knowledge in selecting, sequencing and pacing the Foundation Phase mathematics content in accordance with both subject and learner needs. Newly qualifying graduates must be knowledgeable about Mathematics teaching and be able to demonstrate specialised knowledge gained, as well as being able to use available resources appropriately, so as to plan and design suitable Foundation Phase Mathematics learning programmes in a Foundation Phase learning environment.
Health Education – HEC101V
Under Graduate Degree,CertificateSemester moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: To gain insight into theoretical orientation: Health and health education; personal health; special health issues; first aid and emergency care: Environmental health and safety issues.
Resource Development in Foundation Phase – RDF2601
Under Graduate Degree,DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of the module is to enable qualifying students to design and create age, developmentally and culturally appropriate resources (online and print) to enhance teaching and learning in Foundation Phase. Furthermore, students will reflectively apply teaching principles, theories and concepts acquired from disciplinary and pedagogical learning modules to develop relevant resources. In addition, qualifying students are expected to use the designed resources effectively to enhance teaching and learning in Foundation Phase, especially during their school-based teaching practice.
Foundation Phase Teaching – FPT3701
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module complements the modules Management in Foundation Phase, Curriculum Studies, Sociology of Education and Assessment in Education in the BEd (Foundation Phase) programme. The purpose of this module is to expose qualifying graduates to a range of Foundation Phase teaching methods, approaches and strategies. In addition, qualifying graduates will be guided to understand how learners learn and how to adapt teaching to diverse needs. Through reflective practices, qualifying graduates will understand how to translate the theoretical foundations of teaching into practice in the Foundation Phase. In order to strengthen a contextual approach to teaching qualifying graduates will unpack developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive dimensions of reflective teaching. This will assist in formulating relevant approaches to assessment, classroom management and discipline
Life Skills: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Music and Physical Education in Foundation Phase – LSP1501
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The module addresses knowledge of two parallel and complementary streams of creative arts and physical education. This module further provides a fundamental understanding into musical development through experience in singing, playing instruments, doing rhythmic movement and listening action with children. It further includes incorporating visual arts experience as well as providing sufficient activities to enchance a child’s physical and gross motor efficiency in this developmental phase.
Reading in the foundation Phase English – RFP2601
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching reading in Foundation Phase. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how reading is facilitated in the classroom. Qualifying graduates should be able to identify key skills and instructional methods central to reading achievement. Teachers should be able to design activities and choosing resources that enhance knowledge and understanding of the five critical areas of the reading instruction Qualifying graduates should be equipped with the necessary skills that ensure that South African learners read at or above grade expected levels
Becoming, Learning and Assessment of the Young Child in the Early Childhood Development Phase – HBEDBLV
HonoursYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 36
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: HBEDTRD
Purpose: To gain insight, knowledge and skills: about the becoming, learning and assessment of the young child in the Foundation Phase; about education and teaching in the Early Childhood Development phase, which is imbedded in Theories of Education of the past and present, while taking cognisance of teaching programmes within a global perspective, as well as the Outcomesbased paradigm of South Africa; about curriculum development for the young child in the Foundation phase, while being able to manage learning programmes and sites. This module includes a research report.
Mathematics for Foundation Phase Teachers – MFP1501
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to develop an informed understanding of the underpinning concepts of Mathematics in the Foundation Phase. The module will help students to develop their pedagogical content knowledge while engaging in the various content areas.
Reading in the foundation Phase Setswana – RFP2602
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching reading in Foundation Phase. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how reading is facilitated in the classroom. – Qualifying graduates should be able to identify key skills and instructional methods central to reading achievement. – Teachers should be able to design activities and choosing resources that enhance knowledge and understanding of the five critical areas of the reading instruction – Qualifying graduates should be equipped with the necessary skills that ensure that South African learners read at or above grade expected levels.
Education and Teaching of the Young Child in the Early Childhood Development Phase – HBEDETE
HonoursYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 24
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: HBEDTRD
Purpose: To form the basic question of what the learners know about the historical and contemporary influences on teaching determining the character of teaching in the Early Childhood Development phase; as well as interpreting critically, education and global teaching programmes. The issues influencing curriculum development such as: diversity, multi-culturalism, multi-lingualism, anti-bias and developmentally appropriateness will be dealt with. Understanding of the policy for the provision of the Early Childhood Education phase in the Republic of South Africa will be achieved, as well as a focus on the nature of the management task of the principal in Early Childhood Development.
Teaching Practice 1 (Professional Studies 104 Practical Teaching 1) (Birth – Grade R) – PRS1045
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PRS101Y, PRS1023 & PRS1034
Purpose: To enable students to carry out practical applications of the teaching principles, theories and concepts they have acquired in other courses through the completion of an observation workbook during an observation period of one week in an early childhood centre.
Reading in the foundation Phase Sepedi – RFP2603
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching reading in Foundation Phase. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how reading is facilitated in the classroom. – Qualifying graduates should be able to identify key skills and instructional methods central to reading achievement. – Teachers should be able to design activities and choosing resources that enhance knowledge and understanding of the five critical areas of the reading instruction – Qualifying graduates should be equipped with the necessary skills that ensure that South African learners read at or above grade expected levels.
Home language Teaching – HLT3701
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching home language to a Foundation Phase class. Student teachers should have a deepened knowledge and skills of how to promote Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by using appropriate methodologies, activities and resources (online and print). Teaching of reading will be foundational to the module as reading is basic to learning other subjects. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how language is facilitated in the classroom.
Reflective Teaching in Grade R (offered from 2025) – RTG1501
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module draws on discussions in the module, Assessment in Grade R as well as Grade R Learning Programme Design. The qualifying students will be introduced to the concept of reflective teaching. Their knowledge, understanding and skills related to this approach will be deepened through examining teaching techniques, routines and subjects in the curriculum including assessment in Grade R. Through the skill of reflection in and on action, the s qualifying student will be able to identify the complexities of teaching Grade R in different contexts with children of varying abilities. These complexities will be engaged through different processes in order to support learning. The tools used to enhance learning experiences in this module will assist qualifying students in creating and using evidence for a variety of purposes and for different stakeholders
Reading in the foundation Phase isiZulu – RFP2604
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in Zulu
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching reading in Foundation Phase. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how reading is facilitated in the classroom. – Qualifying graduates should be able to identify key skills and instructional methods central to reading achievement. – Teachers should be able to design activities and choosing resources that enhance knowledge and understanding of the five critical areas of the reading instruction – Qualifying graduates should be equipped with the necessary skills that ensure that South African learners read at or above grade expected levels.
Life Skills: Science and Technology in Foundation Phase – LSK3701
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip qualifying students with skills and knowledge to follow a holistic approach to the social, personal, intellectual, emotional and physical growth and development of learners in the foundation phase of schooling within the context of life skills. Furthermore, this module will enable graduates to develop an understanding of the significance of teaching health, safety, nutrition and other aspects of social development of the young child. Qualifying students will also be able to mediate disciplinary knowledge related to personal, emotional and social development of young learners with the selection and application of appropriate teaching strategies and methodologies within diverse contexts.
Teaching practice I – TPG1501
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 5Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of the module is to enable qualifying students to carry out practical applications of the teaching principles, theories and concepts they have acquired in theoretical modules through the completion of various workbooks during a teaching practice placement period in a Grade R class. Students are expected to observe, plan and present lessons, teach under supervision, and design developmentally appropriate resources during their work integrated learning, as well as apply reflective practices during observations. The module aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice. It also focuses on the practicalities of designing lesson plans as well as application of appropriate classroom assessment techniques to different contexts. Assessment tasks will require lesson presentations related to relevant content in Grade R. Qualifying students are to be placed in functional and diverse schools to enhance effective teaching and learning.
Reading in the foundation Phase Tshivenda – RFP2605
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching reading in Foundation Phase. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how reading is facilitated in the classroom. – Qualifying graduates should be able to identify key skills and instructional methods central to reading achievement. – Teachers should be able to design activities and choosing resources that enhance knowledge and understanding of the five critical areas of the reading instruction – Qualifying graduates should be equipped with the necessary skills that ensure that South African learners read at or above grade expected levels.
Reception Year and Foundation Phase Didactics – PCF4065
CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PGC4019, PGC402A, ETH306W, PGC404C & PGC405D
Purpose: To equip students with the underlying knowledge, skills and values to understand, communicate and implement the principles and theories of developmentally appropriate teaching of emergent literacy, numeracy and life skills in the reception year, with emphasis on their applicability in a diverse and developing early childhood centre and primary school context.
Assessment in Grade R (offered from 2025) – ASG2601
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to empower qualifying students with skills to be able to record, interpret and report the results to all stakeholders (Department of Education, school management, teacher, parents) who have an interest the Grade R learner. Qualifying students will be able to integrate different methods and forms of assessment relevant to enhancing the teaching and learning of Grade R. Students will further understand how to plan and implement different types of assessment in diverse contexts to meet the individual needs of learners in Grade R. Online and print resources will be used to support learning.
Reading in the foundation Phase Xitsonga – RFP2606
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching reading in Foundation Phase. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how reading is facilitated in the classroom. – Qualifying graduates should be able to identify key skills and instructional methods central to reading achievement. – Teachers should be able to design activities and choosing resources that enhance knowledge and understanding of the five critical areas of the reading instruction – Qualifying graduates should be equipped with the necessary skills that ensure that South African learners read at or above grade expected levels.
Teaching Mathematics, Science and Technology – PCF4088
CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PCF4065, PCF4076, PGC4019, PGC402A, ETH306W, PGC404C & PGC405D
Purpose: (a) To gain insight into foundational perspectives; number sense, number concept and number development; spatial orientation and spatial insight; (b) Section (i): Science: to equip students with knowledge, skills and abilities to satisfy their own questions about the workings of the physical and biological world in order to provide learners with the appropriate skills, knowledge and attitudes for understanding the principles and processes of the natural sciences. Section (ii): Technology: to provide students with knowledge, skills and resources of the technical world, to acquire the ability to solve technological problems and perform effectively in their changing environments.
Child development in the early years – CDE2601
DiplomaYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip students with the knowledge, skills and values related to the development of the young child through the framings of a reflective teacher. Students will explore each domain of child development in the early childhood phase from birth to 6 years. As student engage with the domains of development they will be afforded opportunities for understanding child development in diverse context with sensitivity to varying capabilities of children. In this way students will enhance their understanding of the variations and complexities of child development. The age and stage contextual approach will assist in developing appropriate activities for supporting early learning.
Reading in the foundation Phase Afrikaans – RFP2607
Under Graduate DegreeYear moduleNQF level: 6Credits: 12
Module presented in Afrikaans
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip student teachers with the knowledge, skills and techniques of teaching reading in Foundation Phase. The module will promote the ability to decode reading texts and the meaning thereof. Reflective differentiated teaching and learning will underpin how reading is facilitated in the classroom. – Qualifying graduates should be able to identify key skills and instructional methods central to reading achievement. – Teachers should be able to design activities and choosing resources that enhance knowledge and understanding of the five critical areas of the reading instruction – Qualifying graduates should be equipped with the necessary skills that ensure that South African learners read at or above grade expected levels.
Visual Arts and Music and Movement in the Foundation Phase – PCF4099
CertificateYear moduleNQF level: 7Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PCF4065, PCF4076, PCF4088, PGF4019, PGC402A, ETH306W, PGC404C & PGC405D
Purpose: (a) To gain insight into the value of music in the child?s total development; advanced music activities in the foundation phase, including notation, activity areas and concepts, the achievement of music outcomes and didactic methods in teaching music; (b) to gain insight into the theoretical introduction; the history and development of physical education; the value and place of physical education in society and in the educational programme; (c) to provide a teacher who will be a competent facilitator of the visual arts in the Foundation phase; who will have the ability to introduce these learners to art as their cultural heritage and provide them with suitable aesthetic experiences.