Dealing with Challenges of Uploading UNISA Examination Papers

Dealing with Challenges of Uploading UNISA Examination Papers

Dealing with Challenges of Uploading UNISA Examination Papers.

Please note, should you be experiencing technical challenges uploading your examination papers, you will be provided an extra upload link to use to upload your examination paper. You will be able to access this link via your module sites.

However, please note you may only use this link after you have had three unsuccessful attempts to upload your examination paper on the official Unisa examination platform/s.  Students are reminded that you must complete writing your examination within the official examination session. The 60 minutes extra provided after the official examination session must be used for uploading of the examination paper. This provides you with sufficient time to resolve any uploading challenges you may experience. Note that the university has records of all examination activities including log in, download and upload times as well as the number of times you attempt to upload your exam paper. No email or late submissions will be accepted.

Note you may download the Microsoft Office Lens app to scan your paper that has no page limit. Please use myLife account to login. The app will be able to accommodate the number of pages required to be scanned and uploaded onto Unisa examination platforms.

You are further reminded that there will be no automatic deferral to the next examination sitting. If you are unable to complete your online assessment or miss uploading time for whatever reasons, you may apply for an Aegrotat examinations. The process to apply for Aegrotat examination is as follows:

  1. On MyUnisa go to MyAdmin;
  2. On Assessment Admin select Examination Timetable;
  3. View of Timetable go to “Apply for AegrotatExamination” and enter details required. Students are expected to attach supporting documentation; an affidavit may suffice.

Click here for the contact list for the University should you have any exam related queries.