CPUT Online Application for 2025/2026 Admission

CPUT Online Application for 2025/2026 Admission

CPUT Online Application 2025/2026. Details About Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Online Application

Online application


International applicants: CPUT International Student Application 2025/2026

RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning applicants):

To continue the Admission Process make sure that you have understood the CPUT Recognition of Prior Learning 2025/2026

CPUT do not accept manual posted or over the counter applications unless for those categories that cannot submit online and as outlined in the CPUT Application Form 2025/2026.

Submit your online application

1. Applicants that have never applied and/or studied (including short courses) at CPUT before (i.e no existing student number) – Click Here to Access the CPUT Application Portal.

2. Applicants that have applied and/or studied (including short courses) at CPUT before (i.e you have an existing student number) – Apply here

Application Guides for South African Citizens and Non-RPL applicants

Step by Step CPUT Online Application Guide for First-time applicants

CPUT has TWO different methods of applying:

  • Online Web application – Free of Charge
  • Paper-based Application (manual application process) R100 Application Fee


  • Non-South African citizens
  • South African citizens with international qualifications
  • Applicants with permanent residency in South Africa
  • Applicants with Refugee Status/ and Asylum Seeker permit
  • Applications for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)
  • Paper-based application forms must be submitted to CPUT and cannot be faxed or e-mailed
  • Follow the 7 steps outlined in the CPUT prospectus


  • South African citizens with South African qualifications
  • Returning students with a break in studies (more than 1-year break)
  • South African citizens transferring from other institutions
  • Applicants must have a valid e-mail address and cell phone number in order to apply online. All communication with regard to your application will be sent via e-mail/ sms. Should you not have a valid e-mail address you can create an e-mail account using Gmail, Yahoo Mail or any other e-mail provider you may prefer
  • The online application has been tested and can be accessed via a PC or laptop. It is not guaranteed to cater for Tablets or Mobile Phones
  • Applicant has a choice of applying to a maximum of 3 choices. At least one choice must be entered
  • When uploading documents, ensure that the scanned file is a maximum of 2MB, and that all documents are scanned in any of the following file types: tiff, pdf, jpg or gif
  • Each document must be scanned and uploaded as separate attachments
  • Documentation must be certified (not less than 3 months old)
  • Outstanding documentation can be uploaded by answering YES to the question: Have you already started an online application with CPUT and then select YES, I want to submit additional documentation


  • Access the following link:http://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply

Have you already started an online application with CPUT?

  • Follow the leading questions and select the appropriate one:
  • Select NO to proceed to the next leading question
  • Yes, but I did not finish the process – Select Yes in the case where you have left the online application process without a student number allocated to you
  • Yes, I want to find the status of my application – This will take you to the Application Tracking System on the website whereby you can view the admission status and also be able to download any acceptance/ rejection letters
  • Yes, I want to upload documents/ additional documents – Have your student number and pin ready – Refer to the header : How to upload additional/ outstanding documentation further down in the document.

Do you intend to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

  • Select NO to proceed to the next leading question
  • Please click on http://www.cput.ac.za/study/rpl for more information regarding RPL
  • Select NO to proceed to the next leading question
  • YES – Select to download the manual application form. Applicants are not allowed to use online system for applications for Recognition of Prior Learning

Have you previously applied to or studied at CPUT for any qualification including Short Courses (Short Learning Programmes)?

  • Select NO to proceed to the next leading question
  • The following question will be displayed when selecting YES

Do you have a valid CPUT student number?

YES – will display the following:

Please follow the Step-by-step guide to online applications for students who have an existing student numberdocument on the website

NO – will take you to the next leading question

I’m not sure – will take you to the application tracking system to look-up your student number

Are you in possession of a South African ID?

  • YES – Select YES to proceed to the next leading question
  • NO – Applicants will not be able to proceed. Currently online applications are only available to applicants with a South African ID. Applicants must follow the paper- based application process
  • I am in possession of Permanent Residency in South Africa – Applicant will not be able to proceed. Currently online applications are only available to applicants with a South African ID. Applicants must follow the paper- based application process

Have you completed or are busy with a South African Matric (Grade 12/ NCV)?

  • Yes – Select YES to proceed to the next leading question
  • No – Applicants will not be able to proceed. Currently online applications are only available to South African citizens who have completed or are busy with a South African School Leaving type. Applicants must follow the paper-based application process

Do you have all required information and supporting documentation?

  • Yes – Select YES to proceed to the next leading question
  • No – download supporting documentation guidelines and documents for completion and submission
  • Unsure (See PDF) – Check for additional requirements as stipulated per qualification in the list provided

Are you 18 years or older?

  • No – Minor (younger than 18 years) must download the Minor Declaration form which the parents or legal guardians must sign. Sign and scan the document and have it ready to submit online during the online application process.
  • Yes – The following will be displayed
  • Click on the Start the online application process to proceed with your application and the following screen will display


  • Do you already have a Student Number: Please enter NO
  • Applicants that have applied at CPUT before (existing student number) will be prompted to apply via the Student Online System (SOS)www.cput.ac.za/sos
  • All NON-South African Citizens and RPL Applications cannot apply online and must follow the manual application process
  • Returning to complete application:
  • Select NO if you are to access the online application for the first time
  • YES – Select YES if you have commenced with applying online but did not complete the entire process up until the upload of supporting documentation and confirmation of your student number. You will not be able to upload your supporting documentation via the wizard once you have submitted your application online. Refer to the process below –

How to upload additional/ outstanding documentation

  • Enter your ID Number and select the button

Consent to Process Personal Information

  • Scroll down with scrollbar to read the entire POPI Act clause
  • Select the I ACCEPT and NEXT buttons
  • You will not be able to proceed If you select the I DO NOT ACCEPT button


  • Are you an SA Citizen in possession of a valid SA ID/ Birth Certificate? YES
  • NO – Non-South African (including Permanent Residency) citizens online application is permissible at this stage. Please submit a manual application form
  • ID Number: Enter your South African ID number

Personal Information

  • Gender: Click on the arrow down  to select your gender
  • Date of Birth: Enter date of Birth (e.g. 11- OCT-1999) or select the  button to enter from the calendar provided
  • Title: Click on the arrow down to select your title from the list provided
  • Initials: Enter your initials in Upper Case
  • Surname: Enter your Surname in Upper Case
  • First Names: Enter your Full Names in Upper Case
  • Marital Status: Click on the arrow down to select your Marital Status
  • Home Language: Click on the arrow down
  • To select your Home Language
  • Ethnic Group: Click on the arrow down to select your ethnicity
  • Are you Employed: Click on the arrow down
  • To select either Yes or No
  • Where have you heard about us? Select the
  • Button and select by clicking on the appropriate description. Scroll with the scroll bar to view more options from the list

Address Information

  • Street Address Line 1: Enter your Street Number and Name (e.g. 6 Blue Street)
  • Street Address Line 2: Enter your Suburb Name (e.g. Disa Heights)
  • Street Address Line 3: Enter your Town Name (e.g. Brakpan)
  • Street Address Line 4: Enter your Province Name (e.g. Western Cape)
  • Postal Code: Select the button. All possible Postal Codes will be displayed
  • You can enter your Postal Code in the field for a quick display. Select the SEARCH button to display the appropriate list of values. Select the correct Postal Code
  • You can also search by the relevant Town Name
  • Select the SEARCH button to display the appropriate list of values. Select the correct Postal Code Description from the list provided
  • Tick if your Postal Address is different from
  • your Street Address: Click in the field provided to enter a different Street Address In Upper Case. Do not select if the addresses are the same
  • Postal Address Line 1: Enter your Street Number and Name (e.g. 6 Blue Street)
  • Postal Address Line 2: Enter your Suburb Name (e.g. Disa Heights)
  •  Postal Address Line 3: Enter your Town Name (e.g. Brakpan)
  • Postal Address Line 4: Enter your Province Name (e.g. Western Cape)
  • Postal Code: Select the button. All possible Postal Codes will be displayed
  • You can enter your Postal Code in the field for a quick display. Select the SEARCH button to display the appropriate list of values
  • Select the correct Postal Code
  • You can also search by the relevant Town Name. Select the SEARCH button to display the appropriate list of values. Select the correct Postal Code Description from the list provided

Contact Information

Do you have a South African Cell PhoneNumber: It will automatically be set to YES

  • South African Cell Phone Number: Enter your 10-digit without any leading + (e.g. 0829996229) Cell Phone Number. Do not enter spaces or any other characters
  • Work Telephone Number: Enter your work telephone number without any spaces or – (e.g. 0224603139)
  • Home Telephone Number: Enter your work telephone number without any spaces or – (e.g. 0224603139
  • E-mail: Enter a valid e-mail address
  • Verify E-mail: Re-enter the exact e-mail address

Residence Information

  • Do you want to apply for CPUT residence?
    Click on the arrow down and select either YES or NO
  • Enter NO if no CPUT residence accommodation is required
  • If Yes, then your CPUT residence application will be processed on submission of your online application

Disability Information

  • Click on the field
  • Disability: Select the button. Select NONE in the case of no disability
  • Any Disability? Select from the provided list
  • Remarks: Enter any remarks should you want to provide any further detail. Click on the ADD DISABILITY button. Continue to add more disability information should you wish to
  • Click on the Next button


Next of kin contact

  • Next of Kin Names: Enter Title, Initials and Surname (e.g. Mr DA Jacobs)
  • Next of Kin Cell Number: Enter your 10-digit without any leading + (e.g. 0829996229 Cell Phone Number. Do not enter spaces or any other characters
  • Next of Kin Home Telephone Number: Enter the home telephone number without any spaces or – (e.g. 0224603139)
  • Next of Kin Work Telephone Number: Enter the work telephone number without any spaces or – (e.g. 0224603139)
  • Next of Kin’s Postal Address Line 1: Enter your Street Number and Name (e.g. 6 Blue Street)
  • Next of Kin’s Postal Address Line 2: Enter your Suburb Name (e.g. Disa Heights)
  • Next of Kin’s Postal Address Line 3: Enter your Town Name (e.g. Brakpan)
  • Next of Kin’s Postal Address Line 4: Enter your Province Name (e.g. Western Cape)
  • Postal Code: Select the button. All possible Postal Codes will be displayed
  • E-mail: Enter a Next of Kin e-mail address

Account Contact Information

  • Account Contact Names: Enter Title, Initials and Surname (e.g. Mr DA Jacobs)
  • Account Contact’s Cell Number: Enter your 10-digit without any leading + (e.g. 0829996229) Cell Phone Number. Do not enter spaces or any other characters
  • Account Contact’s Home Telephone Number: Enter the home telephone number without any spaces or – (e.g. 0224603139)
  • Account Contact’s Postal Address Line 1: Enter your Street Number and Name (e.g. 6 Blue Street)
  • Account Contact’s Postal Address Line 2: Enter your Suburb Name (e.g. Disa Heights)
  • Account Contact’s Postal Address Line 3: Enter your Town Name (e.g. Brakpan)
  • Account Contact’s Postal Address Line 4: Enter your Province Name (e.g. Western Cape)
  • Postal Code: Select the button. All possible Postal Codes will be displayed
  • E-mail: Enter an Account Contact’s e-mail address

Applicants are currently in Grade 12/ NCV and will be writing their final examination at the end of 2018

  • Matric/ Grade 12 Year (YYYY): Enter 2018 if you are currently busy with your Grade 12/ NCV. Do not enter 2019
  • Are you Upgrading? Only enter YES if you are currently improving your Final Grade 12/ NCV results. A letter from the Department of Education is required stipulating which subjects you have enrolled for to improve results
  • Are you applying for Undergraduate or Post-graduate? Click on the arrow down to select ‘Undergraduate’ Only Undergraduate Studies will be displayed
  • Are you completing or have completed a South African or International Matric? Click on the arrow down to select SA MATRIC. Applicants with an International Matric Type will not be able to apply online and must follow the manual application process
  • Matric/ Grade 12 Examination

Number (optional): Current Grade 12 learners must leave this field blank

  • Final School Leaving Certificate:

Select the button and click on the appropriate School Leaving Certificate

NSC currently in Grade 12 – Please select if you are currently busy with Grade 12

NCV Currently with NCV – Please select if you are currently in your final NCV year

Subject Details

School Leaving Subject: Select the button

  • You can enter a description in the field for a quick display. Select the search button to display the appropriate list of values. Select the correct subject
  • Grade: This field cannot be changed
  • Description of Symbols:


Percentage Range




0 – 29%



– 39%



– 49%



– 59%



– 69%



– 79%



– 100%

  • Final Gr 11 Percentage: Select the button and select the appropriate Percentage as indicated on your Grade 11 results
  • Final Gr 11 Symbol: Select the button and select the appropriate Symbol as indicated on your Grade 11 results – refer to above table of Percentage and Level conversions refer to Frequent Asked Questions how to capture the levels and Percentages if you have changed subjects from Grade 11 to Grade 12
  • Mid Year Gr 12 Percentage: Select the button and select the appropriate Percentage as indicated on your Mid-Year Grade 12 results
  • Mid Year Gr 12 Symbol: Select the button and select the appropriate Symbol as indicated on your Mid-Year Grade 12 results – refer to the above table of Percentage and Level conversions
  • Refer to Frequent Asked Questions how to capture the levels and Percentages if you have changed subjects from Grade 11 to Grade 12
  • Click on the ADD SUBJECT button
  • Add all your subjects by repeating the steps listed above and clicking on the ADD SUBJECT button for each subject entered
  • Click on the NEXT button. You will not be able to select the NEXT button until you have entered all the required number of subjects (e.g. NSC you are required to enter a minimum of 7 Grade 12 subjects)
  • You may remove subjects already selected by clicking on the button
  • Click on the OK TO DELETE THIS DATA button and the subject will be removed from the list