Budget Funeral Insurance [2025 Update]

Budget Funeral Insurance [2025 Update]

Details of Budget Insurance Funeral Cover. Information on how to purchase Budget Funeral Cover and other facts including, claims, quotes, and contact details.

Insurance Funeral Cover is a form of insurance that pays, partly or in total when you lose a loved one.

See Also>> Details and Types of Budget Insurance.

Budget Insurance offers one of the best Funeral Insurance covers in South Africa. Find out more information below.

See Also>> Budget Insurance Contact Details.

Details of Budget Insurance Funeral Cover

What is Funeral Cover Insurance?

You wouldn’t want your family to have to worry about the cost of a funeral if anything were to happen to you. That’s why you need our affordable Funeral Plan. This policy covers all the funeral expenses if you, your spouse or children pass away. To help you even more, we’ve also included repatriation services.

Who can be covered?

This cover will be available for individuals between the ages of 18 and 65. The following type of cover can be taken out:

  • Individual cover – this covers the main member only.
  • Family cover – this covers the main member and spouse plus one to five dependents up to the age of 21 (or up to 25 if they are registered full-time students).
  • Extension of cover for individual family members is also available at an additional premium payable.
What is covered?

Natural and Accidental Death benefit