ArcelorMittal Learnerships Application 2025/2026

ArcelorMittal Learnerships Application 2025/2026

ArcelorMittal Learnerships 2025/2026 – Details of ArcelorMittal Learnerships Application 2025/2026.

ArcelorMittal South Africa is the biggest producer of steel in Africa, producing approximately 7 million tonnes of liquid steel each year.

ArcelorMittal South Africa have initiated the Metal Production Learnership for young students who wish to enter the business sector. Candidates will gain invaluable educational training, as well as practical skill application.


The learnership programme will take place over 40 weeks, and will entail formal theoretical learning and practical training on the job.

Positions are generally open from January until July each year (or the first quarter of year).

The learnership will cover the following expenses: training costs and a monthly bursary allowance.

Upon completion of the learnership, applicants may be appointed in operator positions, depending on availability.


  • South African citizen
  • Completed Matric in the year prior to applying
  • Passed English, Science and Mathematics in Matric
  • Willing to work for ArcelorMittal South Africa on completion of the learnership


Apply online at:

Follow these simple steps:
1) Register an account (on the top right hand side of the screen)
2) Login to your account (on the top right hand side of the screen)
3) Create your CV (this will contain personal details and proof of any qualifications)
4) Search for “learnership” in the job database
5) Apply by following the online application process

Shortlisted applicants will then be required to attend an interview, and successful applicants will undergo assessments before the programme starts.


Contact ArcelorMittal via their webpage:
ArcelorMittal South Africa Corporate Office
Tel: 016 889 9111