Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses Offered in 2025

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses Offered in 2025

List of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses Offered in 2025. In the 2025 application, the Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design has outlined the various courses that students can take. These courses are well-structured and guided to help students reach their maximum academic and professional potential. The Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses provide not only academic knowledge but also foster personal growth and critical thinking. The choice of courses plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual’s career path and worldview. In this article, we will delve into a curated list of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses that go beyond traditional boundaries, offering unique perspectives and preparing students to tackle the challenges of the modern world.

Start your Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Application for 2025 now.

Before you proceed to read the list of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses Offered in 2025, see the Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Fees for 2025.

Lists of Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses Offered in 2025

1. Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Part-Time Fashion Design Course

( part-time / foundation)

Requirements: 18 Years of Age

This programme enables candidates to start exploring the techniques of fashion design by developing skills beyond the basic level to the level required for acceptance on to the full time programme.

After successfully completing the Part-Time Fashion Design course candidates who want to become economically empowered and self-sufficient will have developed the skills to assist them in their endeavours.

Runs from March to November.

Classes take place from 9:00 – 12:30 on Saturday.

This programme aims to:

  • Provide a practical introduction to the skills and knowledge needed to begin the design process.
  • Cover practical skills and knowledge needed to make finished fashion wear items.
  • Expose the candidate to a range of materials, mediums and methods of recording design processes.
  • Develop an understanding of the visual implications of the design process.

This programme outcomes are:

  • Apply basic design ideas to the making of fashion wear items.
  • Plan, prepare and manage the making of fashion wear items to a design brief.
  • Operate tools and equipment applicable to fashion wear carefully, safely and effectively.
  • Make a well-constructed fashion wear item to a design brief.
  • Appreciate the contextual influences relating to the fashion wear.


  • Concept Development
  • Primary & Secondary Research
  • Trend
  • Design for Client and body types
  • Mood Boards and Design Specification Boards
  • Producing a range of drawings; rough drawings to
    initial ideas and fashion sketches
  • Planning and preparing for own illustrations and fashion figure templates
  • Introduction to:
    – Art media and equipment,
    – Creating shading and tonal values,
    – Rendering fashion figures and fabric and
    – Use of popular media such as markers
  • Producing clear technical drawings of design ideas
  • Producing working drawings to show in flat form;
    all details, seaming, style lines etc.
  • Introduction to Fabric and Fabric composition
  • Naturals vs Synthetics
  • Fabric Shop Trip
2. Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Degree Courses



The programme at its core is devised to engage the student in the practical, written and theoretical aspects of Design and Product Development. This foundation of the Fashion Design Process is underpinned by a robust selection of courses and modules that includes study and practice in Computer Aided Design, Business and Retail Theory and Practice, Design Management and Textiles Understanding and Development. The programme is planned to stimulate critical thinking and professional methodology, with contextual studies covering topics of cultural, historical and contemporary practice and theory in fashion design.


To be admitted to the BA in Fashion Design, applicants must:

  • be older than 18 years of age at registration
  • have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) at NQF level 4 issued by Umalusi OR
  • have a National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) level 4 issued by Umalusi OR
  • have a Grade 12 or recognised equivalent qualification certified by Umalusi or an international equivalent examination board.
  • have English Home /Additional language Pass grade. (Non-South African students have to submit evidence of English proficiency.

Applicants of 23 years and above who do not meet the admission requirements may also be admitted based upon their workplace experience and Academy-specific entrance assessments and interviews.

Applicants must provide:

  1. A Certified copy of your academic transcripts or latest school report
  2. A motivation essay – a 500-word essay on:
    1. Why are you interested in fashion design?
    2. Where do you see yourself in the future?
    3. How will a qualification from Elizabeth Galloway Academy help you achieve your goals?
  3. Two (2) Written references – 2 Written references and the contact details of these 2 people (not family or friends).
  4. A Certified copy of your ID/Passport
3. Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Diploma Courses



The Diploma in Fashion Design covers all aspects necessary to meet the increasingly sophisticated and technologically advanced needs of a Creative Practitioner within the fashion design context and industry. It also covers all day-to-day activities and skills required of a successful fashion designer. Students are trained and exposed to related roles and job opportunities in the fashion design practice, textiles, editing/journalism, styling, fashion design retail and the apparel industry.


To be admitted to the Diploma in Fashion Design, applicants must:

  • be older than 18 years of age at registration
  • have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) at NQF level 4 issued by Umalusi OR
  • have a National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) level 4 issued by Umalusi OR
  • have a Grade 12 or recognised equivalent qualification certified by Umalusi or an international equivalent examination board.

Applicants of 23 years and above who do not meet the admission requirements may also be admitted based upon their workplace experience and Academy-specific entrance assessments and interviews.

Applicants must provide:

  1. A Certified copy of your academic transcripts or latest school report
  2. Two (2) References – The contact details of 2 references (not family or friends).
  3. A Certified copy of your ID/Passport
4. Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Advanced Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma in Fashion

(one-year | part-time)

We have found that it has been beneficial for students to further their education and training with a year of specialisation which exposes them to the work environment for extended periods of time. This enables students to better respond to challenges presented in the increasingly complex fashion industry. During this one year full-time programme students will develop a deeper understanding of the entire value chain and gain industry experience within a specialised field of interest whether it is apparel, accessory design or any other specialised field within fashion.

Classes commence mid January.

The tuition method consists of compulsory contact sessions on campus integrated with compulsory placement in a workplace setting of relevant specialisation field.

Admission Requirements

Students wishing to enrol for this qualification must:

  • At the minimum, be in possession of a relevant design related Advanced Certificate, NQF Level 6, Diploma at NQF Level 6 or Occupational Certificate at NQF Level 6.
  • Learners who do not comply with the minimum requirements for admission may be admitted on the basis of the Recognition of Prior Learning.
  • Mature applicants of 23 years and above who do not meet the admission requirements may also be admitted based upon their workplace experience and Academy-specific entrance assessments and interviews.

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses are more than just a means to an end of academic excellence, they are opportunities for personal growth. The Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Courses mentioned above transcend traditional academic boundaries, offering students a chance to engage with timeless ideas, diverse cultures, pressing global issues, and essential skills. These courses not only prepare students for their chosen careers but also shape them into well-rounded individuals ready to navigate the complexities of the world.