Auto and General Life Insurance [2025 Update]

Auto and General Life Insurance [2025 Update]

Details of Auto and General Life Insurance. Information on how to purchase Auto and General Life Insurance and other facts including, claims, quotes, and contact details.

Life Insurance can be defined as a contract between an insurance policyholder and an insurance company, where the insurer promises to pay a sum of money in exchange for a premium, upon the death of an insured person or after a set period.

See Also>> Types of Auto and General Insurance.

Auto and General offers one of the best Life Insurance in South Africa. Find out more information below.

See Also>> Auto and General Insurance Contact Details.

Details of Auto and General Life Insurance

With life cover, you can ensure that your loved ones receive the financial support they deserve when you are no longer with them, whilst dread disease and disability cover protects you should anything unexpected happen. Expo-Sure, a product that offers support and assistance when you or your family are accidentally exposed to HIV, is included in all life policies.

Pure Life Cover

As the name says, it is pure and simple cover for your life from Auto & General. Now you can focus on what is really important and take care of your loved ones’ financial future. You can choose between a Basic and an Elevated option.

Have you considered what would happen to your family should you no longer be around? Will they be financially catered for? While it’s not something that we enjoy thinking about, it’s something that is important to consider. Especially for those who have loved ones depending on them financially.

At Auto & General, they’ve thought about all the possible eventualities that could happen and have used their vast knowledge and experience to compile various life insurance options. Auto & General Pure Life Cover is there to make sure that your family are taken care of in the event of your death. Allowing you to rest easy knowing that they’ll be in good hands.

Who needs life insurance?

Auto & General know that getting life insurance is not on everyone’s mind. But, if you have any financial dependents, then it should be yours. Whether it’s your spouse, children, parents, siblings, or in-laws – if their lives will be negatively affected financially should you no longer be around, then you should look into getting life cover.

You can take out a life policy at any stage in your life – you’re never too young or too healthy! At Auto & General, we tailor your policy according to your individual needs and requirements. And your insurance premium will be based on your specific risk profile – taking your age, occupation, gender and health into consideration.

What is life cover?

Life cover is there to provide financial support to your loved ones after your death. As someone with financial dependents, it’s important to make sure that your family can continue living their lives as they were before your death. As listed beneficiaries on your policy, they will receive a lump-sum payout to compensate for the inevitable financial costs that come with the loss of life.

This payout can be used for anything from day-to-day expenses through to settling outstanding medical fees, educational fees or any other financial requirement that comes up. It helps lessen the financial pressure that may come after a death. Allowing your loved ones to spend time grieving their loss.

Auto & General’s Pure Life Cover

Auto & General have used decades of experience in the insurance industry to offer you a life policy that they know will benefit you and your loved ones. Auto & General tailored Pure Life Cover pays out from R200 000 to R10 million to up to 10 listed beneficiaries.

It also includes a R50 000 funeral benefit that will be paid out to your beneficiaries within 24 hours after a valid claim has been submitted. Should you be diagnosed with a terminal illness, with a life expectancy of less than 12 months, your cover amount will be paid out to you. Allowing you to benefit from your cover during your last few months.

Because we know that your life situation will change as you move through different stages, all policies include a Guaranteed Assurability option. Allowing you to increase, or decrease, your cover amount if your lifestyle changes, for example getting married or having a child.

Disablement Cover

Make sure you and your loved ones are financially protected should the unexpected happen. Disablement Cover from Auto & General will pay out a lump sum should you be unable to continue within your occupational scope or should you become disabled due to an illness or physical injury.

While we all like to live under the precedent that ‘it’ll never happen to me’, it’s always a good idea to protect yourself in case it does happen to you. Should you become disabled, your life will change drastically. Planning now for the worst-case scenario, can help ease the financial burden when it does.

Make sure you and your loved ones are financially protected should the unexpected happen. Disablement Cover from Auto & General will pay out a lump sum should you be unable to continue within your occupational scope or should you become disabled due to an illness or physical injury.

What is Disablement Cover?

Disablement Cover is insurance that pays out a lump sum if you become disabled due to an illness or injury. Unlike Dread Disease Cover, it covers more than just serious illnesses and helps you replace at least part of your income should you become disabled.

Auto & General Disablement Cover

At Auto & General, we offer two types of Disablement Insurance policies: Occupation-Based Disablement Insurance and Event-Based Disablement Insurance. Each is there to give you surety that you will still be able to support yourself and your family if you can no longer work due to becoming disabled.

  • Occupation-based disablement: This product pays out a lump sum should you become totally and permanently unable to perform the tasks in your usual occupation. As well as being unable to perform any other type of work, given your education, knowledge, training, or experience. This can be due to illness or injury.

  • Event-based disablement: This product pays a percentage of the sum assured for a particular disability according to set criteria described in the policy. It includes injuries like loss of sight, an amputated arm or leg, becoming wheelchair-bound, and other incapacitating conditions.

If you become disabled and can’t work, you receive a tax-free, once-off payout. The amount will depend on the cover you’ve chosen. Because your life changes in unexpected ways in the event of disability, you are welcome to spend your lump-sum payout as you wish. It can be used for day-to-day expenses, therapies, or any home alterations required to make living with a disability easier on you and your loved ones.

What does Disablement Cover include?

The Disability Cover policy is tailored to your individual needs and it is up to you to decide on the amount of cover you would like.

Occupation-based disablement pays out from R200 000 to R10 million if you become permanently and totally disabled and cannot perform your normal job or other work to which you are suited.

Event-based disablement pays out a percentage of your cover amount (from R50 000 to R10 million), depending on the kind of disability you suffer. For instance, if you go blind or lose an eye, you get 50% of the amount and if you become permanently blind in both eyes, the full cover amount will be paid out.

Disablement Cover benefits include:

  • Guaranteed Assurability: If you choose to add this to your policy, you can increase your cover with limited underwriting or on your third policy anniversary, if your lifestyle changes. For instance, when you get married, buy a home, or start a family.

  • Disablement Premium Waiver: If you choose to add this to your policy, the premiums of your pure life and dread disease policy will be paid on your behalf for a period of up to five years if you become disabled or the full cover amount of your disablement policy is paid out.

  • Your cover level will not decrease until five years before you turn 65 or retire.

  • If the full disablement benefit is paid out, your other life cover will not be affected.

  • You are immediately covered for accidental disablement.

  • No medical examinations are required.

Why do I need a Disablement Cover?

Disability cover provides for the replacement of your income as well as for additional expected medical costs as a result of your becoming disabled. Unlike Life Cover, disability cover is aimed at providing benefits for you to keep your standard of living during your lifetime.

This type of cover can be used to settle your home loan or other debts in the event of your disability. It can also provide much-needed financial assistance for adjusting to your new lifestyle including home renovations or vehicle modifications that may need to be made. It’s there to ease the initial financial burden that comes with disablement. Taking care of the finances that you would never have expected to have to face.

How is my premium calculated?

Your disability cover premium is calculated based on your specific risk profile. The monthly premium that you will pay will depend on factors like your age, gender, occupation, and current health.

When will a policy payout?

The proportion of your cover that will be paid out depends on the extent of your disability.

The full amount of your cover will be paid out in the event of total permanent disablement. This is a disablement that entirely prevents the insured from gaining employment of any kind, and that is likely to last for the remainder of the insured’s life. This condition must be substantiated by medical evidence. This includes permanent and incurable paralysis of all limbs, loss of both hands or both feet, and loss of entire sight in both eyes.

A portion (ranging from 5% to 75%) of your cover will be paid out in the event of:

  • Permanent loss of hearing in both or one ear.

  • Permanent and total loss of speech.

  • Loss of one limb, one hand, one foot, or entire sight in one eye.

  • Loss of fingers (percentage will depend on the number of fingers lost).

  • Loss of toes (percentage will depend on the number of toes lost).

If you claim for more than one of the above injuries/losses, your total payout when added up will be limited to 100%.

When would a claim be rejected?

A claim on your Disability Cover will be rejected in the event of:

  • Self-inflicted injury.

  • Injury due to mental disability.

  • Disablement as a result of a hazardous pursuit.

  • Disablement as a result of alcohol or drug abuse.

  • Disability as a result of an accident or injury that occurred prior to the commencement of taking out the policy.

  • Injury as a result of natural causes.

If you are injured on the job, you will not be covered by Disability Cover as that is covered by workers’ compensation. Disability also won’t cover medical bills, as these are covered by your medical scheme or dread disease cover.

Disablement Cover quotes

Remember, you are never too young or too healthy to take out Disablement Cover. In fact, it’s important to do so when you are young and healthy as you may not be able to get cover once you already have an existing condition. Be ready for the unexpected with Auto & General’s Disablement Cover. Contact Auto & General today on 0861 00 02 09 to talk to one of our helpful consultants on the products available.

Dread Disease Cover

With dreaded disease cover from Auto & General, you’ll be covered should you be diagnosed with an illness, whether it is blindness or organ failure that leaves you unable to continue to provide financially for your loved ones.

Life cover options in South Africa

With over three decades of experience, we can help you find the perfect Life Cover for you and your family. Get an Auto & General Life Cover quote today.

Life Plans

With over three decades of experience, we can help you find the perfect Life Plans for you and your family. Get an Auto & General Life Plan quote today.

Terminal Illness Cover

Get tailored Terminal Illness Cover from Auto & General, your trusted insurance partner. Get your Auto & General Terminal Illness Cover quote today.